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Physiology of Special Senses Part 2: Gustation and Olfaction 4.

In addition to those on the tongue, where are taste buds found in man? Taste buds are the special organs of taste (fi g. 10.5). The 10,000 or so taste buds are located primarily on the surface of the tongue and are associated with tiny elevationscalled papillae. About 1,000 taste buds are scattered in the roof of the mouth and walls of the throat.

The receptors for the sensation of taste are the. taste buds which are located primarily on the tongue but also on the soft palate, the. epiglottis, and the pharynx. Holes e s s e nt i al s o f Human Anatomy & Physiology (10th Ed)
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Shier, David; Butler, Jackie; & Lewis, Ricki

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