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The inside story of the Soviet Administration in Germany by GREGORY KLIMOV

translated from the German by H. . !te"ens

introduced by E#$AR# CRANK!HA$ And ERN!T RE%TER Burgomaster of Berlin


(OOK! THAT MATTER &)bl*shed *n the %n*ted !tates of Amer*+a *n ,-./ by 0reder*+1 A. &rae2er In+.3 &)bl*shers ,4. $est 54 th !treet3 Ne6 Yor1 ,73 N. Y. All r*2hts reser"ed L*brary of Con2ress Catalo2 Card N)mber8 ./' 74/4 Man)fa+t)red *n the %n*ted !tates of Amer*+a

&refa+e by Ed6ard Cran1sha6 A)thor:s note Introd)+t*on by Ernst Re)ter3 ()r2omaster of (erl*n ,. ;. /. 5. .. The M*l*tary Colle2e !old*er and C*t*<en The !on2 of the V*+tor The Rat*onal (as*s The (erl*n Kreml*n page 9 ,, ,/ ,9 5. =; 7= ,4,

=. 9. 7. -. ,4. ,,. ,;. ,/. ,5. ,.. ,=. ,9. ,7.

O++)>at*on A)thor*t*es at $or1 In the Control Comm*ss*on The 0r)*ts of V*+tory The !o"*et !)>reme !taff A Ma?or *n the !tate !e+)r*ty !er"*+e K*n2 Atom &r*soners of the !ystem (et6een T6o $orlds The #*ale+t*+al Cy+le The Marshal:s Em*ssar*es !tal*n:s &arty A Member of the &ol*tb)ro The $*n2s of a !la"e

,,. ,/. ,=; ,79 ;,/ ;/; ;., ;97 ;-; /;4 //, /.4 /9,

Preface by Edward Crankshaw

(y no6 6e 1no6 a 2ood deal abo)t the br)tal*t*es *nfl*+ted by the 2o"ernment of the !o"*et %n*on )>on those 6ho *n+)r *ts d*s>leas)re. The *nde>endent test*mon*es of s)r"*"ors add )> to a +*r+)mstant*al and terr*ble *nd*+tment3 so that *t may be fa*rly sa*d that anybody 6ho st*ll den*es the e"*den+e *s the sort of >erson 6ho 6o)ld deny anyth*n2' or the sort of >erson 6ho3 to >reser"e h*s o6n *ll)s*ons3 6*ll sto> h*s ears to the +r*es of the dy*n2 and +ondemned. $here 6e are less 6ell *nformed *s abo)t the effe+t of the re2*me on the 2reat mass of !o"*et +*t*<ens 6ho ha"e mana2ed to 1ee> o)t of ser*o)s tro)ble. It *s not eno)2h to be told by !o"*et ref)2ees 6hat R)ss*a loo1s l*1e thro)2h s>e+ta+les a+@)*red *n &ar*s3 London3 or Ne6 Yor1. $e 6ant to 1no6 6hat *t loo1ed l*1e 6hen they 6ere st*ll *n Mos+o63 Odessa3 or No"os*b*rs13 before they be2an to dream of es+a>*n2 to the $est3 or at least before they 1ne6 eno)2h abo)t the $est to ma1e +om>ar*sons. Th*s *s not *dle +)r*os*ty8 *t *s the only 6ay of 2ett*n2 e"en a fa*nt *dea of ho6 the re2*me a>>ears to those 6ho m)st st*ll l*"e )nder *t. Ma?or Kl*mo":s boo1 *s "ery hel>f)l *n th*s matter. It *s a sober3 yet "*"*d3 a++o)nt of l*fe as l*"ed *ns*de the !o"*et b)rea)+ra+y' seen3 as far as *t *s >oss*ble for an o)ts*der to ?)d2e3 "ery m)+h as *t a>>eared to the narrator before he de+*ded to brea1 a6ay ' as *t m)st therefore a>>ear to +o)ntless other *ntell*2ent R)ss*ans 6ho are en2a2ed at th*s moment *n ma1*n2 the ma+h*ne 6or1. And th*s a++o)nt has an added "al)e be+a)se *n these >a2es the ma+h*ne *s seen f)n+t*on*n2 not *n the myster*o)s h*nterland of the !o"*et %n*on3 6here anyth*n2 may ha>>en and 6here e"ents +annot be related to l*fe as 6e 1no6 *t3 b)t *n the m*ddle of $estern E)ro>e3 on the fam*l*ar 2ro)nd of o++)>*ed Germany. Ma?or Kl*mo" and h*s +ollea2)es at the !o"*et Army head@)arters *n (erl*n 6ere 2ra>>l*n2 not 6*th R)ss*ans b)t 6*th Germans. All th*s *s not to s)22est that Ma?or Kl*mo" *s *n e"ery 6ay ty>*+al of h*s +om>atr*ots. Ob"*o)sly he *s not3 or he 6o)ld not ha"e 6r*tten th*s remar1able boo1. He has an *ntell*2en+e3 a deta+hment3 >erha>s an honesty of m*nd 6ell abo"e the a"era2e. ()t altho)2h he sa6 thro)2h the hy>o+r*s*es of !tal*n*sm more +learly and )n+om>rom*s*n2ly than most of h*s +ollea2)es3 h*s bas*+ emot*onal rea+t*ons and mental >ro+esses do not seem to ha"e mar1ed h*m off from them. $*th one *m>ortant d*fferen+e he a++e>ted 6hat they a++e>ted3 re?e+ted 6hat they re?e+ted3 and for a lon2 t*me 6as >re>ared to ser"e h*s 2o"ernment as a >atr*ot*+ +*t*<en3 6hether on the battlef*eld or on the General !taff. The *m>ortant d*fferen+e 6as that he 6as too st)bborn to ?o*n3 as a matter of +on"en*en+e3 the Comm)n*st &arty3 6h*+h he3 l*1e most of the ran1 and f*le of *ts members3 des>*sed. He 6as >re>ared to >)t )> 6*th the re2*me b)t not3 *f he +o)ld hel> *t3 to hand h*mself o"er body and so)l to *t. Th*s att*t)de *s more +hara+ter*st*+ of !o"*et +*t*<ens than some of )s +are to th*n1. It *s >robably tr)e to say that the ma?or*ty of them a++e>t the re2*me and try to ma1e the best of *t not so m)+h be+a)se they ha"e no +ho*+e b)t rather be+a)se *t has ne"er o++)rred to them that they may *n fa+t ha"e a +ho*+e. They do not s>end slee>less n*2hts brood*n2 o"er the *n*@)*t*es of the MV#8 l*1e all h)man be*n2s e"ery6here they

ta1e l*fe as they f*nd *t3 en?oy *t 6hen they +an3 and 1ee> the*r reser"at*ons to themsel"es. Kl*mo" d*ffered from the ma?or*ty *n that he 6as not >re>ared to 1ee> all h*s reser"at*ons se+ret. H*s fa*l)re to ?o*n the &arty +o)ld only be *nter>reted as some sort of a demonstrat*on. And *t 6as be+a)se of th*s that he fo)nd h*mself dr*"en *n the end3 @)*te s)ddenly3 to ta1e the de+*s*"e ste> and abandon h*s homeland. There 6ere3 to be tr)e3 only s*A m*ll*on or so &arty members at that t*meB b)t these *n+l)ded most 2o' ahead yo)n2 en2*neers 6ho 6anted to ma1e a +areer. To ?o*n *t 6as *nter>reted as an a+t of total s)bm*ss*on. O)r o6n att*t)de to6ards the !o"*et re2*me CI s>ea1 of >eo>le 6ho ha"e ta1en the tro)ble to read and 6e*2h the e"*den+eD *s +olored abo"e all by horror and d*s2)st at the >hys*+al br)tal*t*es3 as eA>ressed *n >ol*+e beat*n2s3 enfor+ed +onfess*ons3 arb*trary >r*son senten+es and sla"e' labor *n s*+1en*n2 +ond*t*ons. The reader of th*s boo1 6*ll obser"e 6*th *nterest that Ma?or Kl*mo" ta1es the >hys*+al as>e+ts of the terror *n h*s str*de8 the de2radat*on of the >r*soner >lays a less *m>ortant >art *n h*s *ma2e of the !o"*et. %n*on than *t does *n o)rs. In th*s he *s3 I th*n13 +hara+ter*st*+ of the ma?or*ty of R)ss*ans3 6ho are less +on+erned 6*th the deta*ls of 6hat the se+)r*ty >ol*+e do to the*r "*+t*ms than 6*th the s*m>le fa+t of the*r )b*@)*ty and >o6er. $hat Ma?or Kl*mo" br*n2s )> 6*th eAtreme shar>ness of fo+)s *s someth*n2 far less fre@)ently and effe+t*"ely re>orted than the tort)r*n2 and the sla"e dr*"*n28 I mean the s)sta*ned and terr*ble >ress)re on the m*nds and s>*r*ts of men 6ho are te+hn*+ally free. $e are not allo6ed to for2et that th*s >ress)re has *ts f)l+r)m *n >hys*+al fearB b)t 6e are *n"*ted to +ontem>late not the by no6 fam*l*ar man*festat*ons of that >ress)re b)t *ts effe+t on those 6hose l*"es are lar2ely s>ent *n try*n2 to a"o*d the m*dn*2ht arrest and the labor +am>s of the 0ar North. The >r*+e they >ay for the*r te+hn*+al freedom *s the +orr)>t*on of the*r m*nds and the atro>hy of the*r 6*ll. #*fferent readers 6*ll f*nd d*fferent +enters of *nterest *n Ma?or Kl*mo":s narrat*"e. 0or eAam>le3 *t may be read as an enthrall*n2 beh*nd' the' s+enes a++o)nt of the 6or1*n2s of a !o"*et Army head@)arters3 or as a re"elat*on of the !o"*et 6ay 6*th o++)>*ed terr*tory. ()t for me *ts +h*ef fas+*nat*on l*es *n the slo6ly emer2*n2 >*+t)re of 6hat the !o"*et re2*me *s ma1*n2 of the m*nds and +hara+ters of *ts s)b?e+ts. $*tho)t o"erstatement3 6*tho)t 2eneral*<*n23 s*m>ly by re+o)nt*n2 h*s o6n >ersonal eA>er*en+e of l*fe )nder !tal*n3 Ma?or Kl*mo" sho6s )s a system3 6h*+h *s rotten at the +ore. If he sho6ed )s only that3 *t 6o)ld be a s*m>le story' the story of a system 6h*+h fears all *nde>enden+e of m*nd and s>*r*t and *n 1*ll*n2 *t d*2s *ts o6n 2ra"e. ()t *t *s not a s*m>le story. The tr)th abo)t the !o"*et %n*on *s as +om>l*+ated and as )natta*nable as the tr)th abo)t h)man nat)re. (e+a)se3 as Ma?or Kl*mo" also sho6s3 >erha>s )n+ons+*o)sly3 the h)man s>*r*t *s so res*l*ent that altho)2h 6hole areas of *t may be effe+t*"ely >araly<ed *n a m)lt*t)de of *nd*"*d)als3 l*fe st*ll >ers*sts3 f*nd*n2 *ts f)lf*llment *n a ?ob 6ell done3 or *n the hero*+ f*2ht*n2 of a >atr*ot*+ 6ar. Th*s *s 2ood ne6s abo)t h)man nat)re. ()t *n the +onteAt of the !o"*et %n*on *t has an *ron*+ st*n2. 0or *t *s th*s st)bborn s>ar1 of s>*r*t)al l*fe3 s)r"*"*n2 *n s>*te of all the efforts of a)thor*ty to stam> *t o)t3 6h*+h alone sa"es the re2*me from +olla>s*n2 )nder *ts o6n dead 6e*2ht. $e may see *n *t o)r f)t)re ho>eB b)t 6e m)st also see *n *t some >art of the Kreml*n:s >resent stren2th.

Author s !ote
The a)thor of th*s boo1 *s @)*te an ord*nary R)ss*an3 sold*er3 and +*t*<en. He has rather less reason to ta1e offense at !tal*n than the ma?or*ty of R)ss*ans. He 6as born abo)t the t*me of the O+tober Re"ol)t*on of ,-,93 and +an be sa*d to ha"e be2)n a+t*"e3 >ra+t*+al l*fe *n the early days of the 6ar3 *n ,-5,. H*s tho)2hts and eA>er*en+es are those of the yo)n2 2enerat*on of !o"*et >eo>le. He *s not a rene2ade +omm)n*st3 for he has ne"er been a member of the !o"*et Comm)n*st &arty. He has +ome to 1no6 the theory and >ra+t*+e of !tal*n*st Comm)n*sm *n the same 6ay as e"ery other R)ss*an has +ome to 1no6 them3 *n l*fe and blood. !o he *s *n no 6ay an eA+e>t*on to the r)le of >resent' day !o"*et so+*ety. He lo"es freedom and demo+ra+y no more and no less than any other R)ss*an does.

Th*s boo1 *s *n the nat)re of a d*ary3 b)t *t does not >retend to tell the a)thor:s l*fe' story. It re>orts on the !o"*et man of the >resent day3 on those 6ho today are 6ear*n2 2old e>a)lettes and are dr*"*n2 tan1s and fly*n2 a*r>lanes3 those that are l*"*n2 and 6or1*n2 beh*nd the Iron C)rta*n. If these l*nes e"er ha>>en to f*nd the*r 6ay to (erl*n3 many !o"*et sold*ers and off*+ers' and the*r n)mber *s 2reater than *s *nd*+ated *n th*s boo1' 6*ll se+retly th*n18 :Th*s boo1 re>orts on me.:

"ntroduction by Ernst #euter

The de+*s*"e >roblem of o)r t*me *s that of relat*ons 6*th the total*tar*an !o"*et system. #es>*te all the aston*sh*n2 res)lts that ha"e been a+h*e"ed3 not only *n 6estern Germany b)t *n other E)ro>ean +o)ntr*es d)r*n2 re+ent years3 the @)*te )nderstandable d*s>os*t*on of a lar2e >art of the 6estern 6orld to be +on+erned 6*th *ts o6n anA*et*es and to de"ote +ons*derable ener2y to the restorat*on of *ts o6n +ond*t*ons +annot d*s>ose of the fa+t that there +an be no >ea+e *n the 6orld so lon2 as the !o"*et >roblem *s not sol"ed. Today the !o"*ets stand *n the heart of E)ro>eB L)be+1 and Hamb)r23 as 6ell as Kassel and 0ran1f)rt' on' Ma*n3 l*e *n a sense at the*r 2atesB the bo)nds bet6een the t6o 6orlds r)n alon2 the Elbe *n Germany3 the 2eo2ra>h*+al +enter of E)ro>eB and +o)ntr*es l*1e &oland3 C<e+hoslo"a1*a3 H)n2ary and R)man*a are )nder the dom*nat*on of a fore*2n >o6er 6h*+h *s ne"er >re>ared to 2*"e )> *ts )lt*mate 2oal. And all these fa+ts sho6 that there +an be no ser*o)s >ea+e so lon2 as they end)re. They +annot end)re3 be+a)se the >eo>le l*"*n2 )nder the !o"*et yo1e 6*ll not re2ard them as a last*n2 sol)t*on. They +o)ld only end)re *f the 6estern 6orld 6ere to +om>o)nd 6*th them. ()t the 6estern 6orld +annot3 and dare not3 +om>o)nd 6*th these +ond*t*ons. It m)st +learly re+o2n*<e that th*s enemy 6*ll ne"er abandon h*s 2oal3 and by h*s "ery nat)re +annot reno)n+e h*s +on@)ests3 st*ll less h*s a*m to *n+or>orate those +o)ntr*es not yet )nder h*s s)b?e+t*on. G*"en th*s s*t)at*on3 6h*+h e"en today *s not +learly real*<ed by many m*ll*ons of the 6estern >eo>les3 *t *s of de+*s*"e *m>ortan+e 6hether 6e +an 1ee> the 6ay o>en to the s)b?e+ted >eo>les3 and also f*nd a 6ay to the >eo>les 6ho are s)ffer*n2 most of all )nder the !o"*et yo1e. I mean the >eo>les of the !o"*et %n*on3 and abo"e all the R)ss*ans themsel"es. More than any other >la+e3 (erl*n has dr)n1 the b*tter +)> of !o"*et o++)>at*on to the dre2s3 and *t *s by no means fort)*to)s that *t *s *n (erl*n that the >o*nt has been made most >ers*stently and )r2ently that o)r s>*r*t)al and >ol*t*+al d*s>)te *s not 6*th the R)ss*an >eo>le b)t 6*th the !o"*et system. A2a*n and a2a*n3 6e *n (erl*n ha"e stressed that 6e ha"e no hatred and no a"ers*on for the R)ss*an >eo>le3 6hose tremendo)s +)lt)ral a+h*e"ements 6e all 1no6 and re+o2n*<e3 b)t that 6e 6*sh to l*"e and +o)ld l*"e *n tr)e fr*endsh*> 6*th that nat*on. In the >resent h*stor*+al +ond*t*ons 6e are +onfronted 6*th an )n>re+edented >henomenon. I refer to the fa+t that 6e are 6*tness*n2 an em*2rat*on from !o"*et R)ss*a of >eo>le 6ho ha"e ne"er +ons+*o)sly eA>er*en+ed any other b)t the !o"*et re2*me. In all the former >er*ods of 6orld h*story3 em*2rants ha"e re2)larly +arr*ed 6*th them memor*es of the >ast. $hen they 6ere +om>elled to lea"e the*r nat*"e land they too1 6*th them the memory of 6hat they re2arded as a better >ast3 the memory of "al)es *n 6h*+h they bel*e"ed and 6h*+h they +ons*dered *t the*r d)ty to defend3 e"en *n em*2rat*on. Th*s *s tr)e not only of em*2rants from Germany. All thro)2h h*story3 e"ery em*2rat*on has had th*s trad*t*onal ba+16ard loo1. ()t no6 6e f*nd that :!o"*et men:3 *f 6e may )se those dreadf)l 6ords3 are essent*ally +)tt*n2 themsel"es off from the system )nder 6h*+h they ha"e 2ro6n )>3 from a system 6hose horr*ble and >rofo)ndly *nh)man nat)re they ha"e been for+ed to re+o2n*<e often a2a*nst the*r 6*ll3 and only after a lon2 *n6ard str)22le. Today 6e see that the *dent*f*+at*on of all Germans 6*th Nat*onal !o+*al*sm3 and the +onse@)ent demand for :)n+ond*t*onal s)rrender:3 *s one of the m*sta1es for 6h*+h all of )s3 "*+tors and "an@)*shed3 m)st al*1e >ay hea"*ly. It has ta1en t*me for th*s error to be men' tally o"er+ome3 and mean6h*le tens*ons ha"e been en2endered 6h*+h *t 6o)ld ha"e been better to a"o*d. Th*s ser*o)s >ol*t*+al and >sy+holo2*+al error m)st ne"er be re>eated on any f)t)re o++as*on. The R)ss*an >eo>le and all the other >eo>les s)ffer*n2 )nder the !o"*et yo1e +annot and m)st not be made res>ons*ble for the*r re2*me. One of the most *m>ortant tas1s of the >resent t*me *s to de"elo> the 6estern 6orld:s )nderstand*n2 of the *nternal str)22le and stress of relat*ons *ns*de !o"*et R)ss*a. $e m)st 6or1 for real*<at*on of the fa+t

that often men 6ho +arry !o"*et >ass>orts are e"en +om>elled to be+ome members of the !o"*et Comm)n*st &artyB and 6e m)st 6or1 for )nderstand*n2 of the reason 6hy s)+h men +annot be made >ol*t*+ally and morally res>ons*ble for the re2*me )nder 6h*+h they are themsel"es s)ffer*n2. Ma?or Kl*mo":s boo1 *s an )n)s)ally "al)able +ontr*b)t*on to the "ery d*ff*+)lt >roblem of )nderstand*n2 6hat *s 2o*n2 on *ns*de !o"*et R)ss*a. He 2*"es a fre@)ently dramat*+ des+r*>t*on of h*s o6n >ro+ess of de"elo>ment3 and of h*s "ery r*+h eA>er*en+e and obser"at*on3 6h*+h sho)ld be st)d*ed by all 6ho ha"e the f)t)re of the $est at heart. R)ss*a:s *nternal de"elo>ment d)r*n2 the 6ar3 the +on+ess*ons made by the !tal*n re2*me to the nat)ral and *ne"*table >atr*ot*+ feel*n2s of the R)ss*ans 6ho 6ere +alled )>on to defend3 and d*d defend3 the*r +o)ntry a2a*nst an enemy +on@)eror3 b)t 6ho ho>ed that someth*n2 ne6 6o)ld emer2e o)t of the*r "ery defense3 and then the monstro)s >ost' 6ar rea+t*on3 >ro"*de a 1ey to an )nderstand*n2 of all that *s ha>>en*n2 *n that +o)ntry. H*s story sho6s the >rofo)nd 6ea1nesses of the re2*me3 *t re"eals ho6 res>ons*"e the R)ss*ans 6*ll be *f the 6estern 6orld be+omes +on"*n+ed that o)r @)arrel *s not 6*th R)ss*a as s)+h3 b)t 6*th the !o"*et re2*me. In o)r o6n German h*story 6e ha"e eA>er*en+ed someth*n2 s*m*lar on a small s+ale. After the E lanF of the 6ar for freedom of ,7,/ there 6as a rea+t*on 6h*+h made 2en)*ne freedom3 and 6*th *t a 2en)*ne )n*f*+at*on of Germany3 h*stor*+ally *m>oss*ble. $e m)st 2et o)t of the hab*t of re2ard*n2 th*s d*s>)te as *n the nat)re of a @)arrel bet6een East and $est3 or e"en bet6een Germans and R)ss*ans. In Germany es>e+*ally3 b)t3 )nfort)nately3 not only *n Germany3 all old' style >ol*t*+*ans are st*ll *n+l*ned to th*n1 *n +ate2or*es der*"ed from the >ast. They do not real*<e that the tr)e real*t*es of l*fe are the h*dden for+es and >ro+esses at 6or1 6*th*n the >eo>le. They fa*l to real*<e that *n o)r o6n f*2ht for freedom o)r stron2est all*es are to be fo)nd *n the R)ss*an >eo>le themsel"es8 >eo>le 6ho are no less3 and >oss*bly e"en more3 freedom' lo"*n2 than those 6ho are so @)*+1 to t)rn )> the*r noses at the alle2ed and a+t)al +)lt)ral ba+16ardness of the East. On a former o++as*on3 *n a statement on German' R)ss*an fr*endsh*>3 I sa*d that I st*ll ho>ed to ha"e another o>>ort)n*ty to eat :1asha: 6*th a R)ss*an >easant *n h*s h)t. &erha>s those 6ho +annot )nderstand the de>th of th*s lon2*n23 s*n+e they do not 1no6 R)ss*a3 6*ll 2et some )nderstand*n2 of 6hat I had *n m*nd 6hen they read Kl*mo":s dramat*+ des+r*>t*on of a h*2hly >la+ed R)ss*an &arty' 2eneral:s "*s*t to h*s >easant father:s home. 0or those 6ho +an read and )nderstand3 Kl*mo":s boo1 2*"es an )ne@)*"o+al ans6er to the @)est*on3 +ont*n)ally be*n2 as1ed ho6 6e are to sol"e the a>>arently *nsol)ble >roblem of deal*n2 6*th the !o"*ets. The >roblem 6*ll be sol"ed *f all of )s3 freed from the dom*nat*on of >ast >o6er' +on+e>t*ons3 real*<e that the >eo>les themsel"es m)st be l*beratedB *t 6*ll be sol"ed 6hen the >eo>les real*<e that the*r o6n *nternal freedom 6*ll only be se+)re a2a*n 6hen the freedom of all >eo>les *s se+)re. Kl*mo":s boo1 re"eals 6hat >rofo)nd >oss*b*l*t*es there are of a sol)t*on on the l*nes of freedom *n R)ss*a. !o *t *s a messa2e of ho>e for )s all. ()t *t *s ne+essary3 too3 for the 6orld to )nderstand ho6 d*ff*+)lt3 *ndeed3 >ra+t*+ally *nsol)ble3 *s th*s tas1 for any one >eo>le3 *f *t has to l*"e )nder s)+h a satan*+ re2*me as the >resent !o"*et re2*me. Kl*mo" re"eals so *m>ress*"ely the dreadf)l +on' se@)en+es of th*s re2*me3 6*th *ts destr)+t*on of all h)man and nat)ral *n+l*nat*ons and asso+*at*ons3 that *t *s to be ho>ed the nonsens*+al *dea 6h*+h m*ll*ons st*ll hold3 that the R)ss*ans as s)+h +annot be tr)sted and that they are res>ons*ble for the re2*me )nder 6h*+h they are s)ffer*n23 6*ll be abol*shed. There are st*ll only a fe6 6ho real*<e that 6e m)st 6*n the 2en)*ne fr*endsh*> of the R)ss*an >eo>le. That real*<at*on *s more >resent *n the m*nds of those 6ho are >rofess*onally o++)>*ed 6*th the @)est*on. It m)st be o)r tas1 to br*n2 *t home to e"erybody. O)t of *t a for+e of eA>los*"e effe+t +an de"elo>. No *ron +)rta*n3 no terror meas)res ado>ted by the !o"*et re2*me3 6*ll be able to h*nder the lon2' d*stan+e effe+t 6*th*n R)ss*a of an *nner +han2e *n the 6estern 6orld:s att*t)de to that +o)ntry. In th*s d*re+t*on 6e +an for2e 6ea>ons more effe+t*"e than tan1s3 2renades3 and atom bombs. In th*s d*re+t*on 6e +an for2e 6ea>ons that 6*ll free the 6orld 6*tho)t resort to bloodshed. O)r real tas1 *s to 2ather aro)nd )s men 6ho3 l*1e Kl*mo"3 ha"e 2one thro)2h the >)r2atory of the*r re2*me and ha"e reta*ned *nta+t an eAtraord*nary stren2th of 6*ll and a 2en)*ne lo"e of tr)th. I ho>e that th*s boo1 6*ll do e"en more than des+r*>t*ons by fore*2n obser"ers to hel> *n sha>*n2 o)r determ*nat*on to free th*s 6orld3 and 6*th *t the 6hole 6orld too.

()r2omaster of (erl*n.

As+ha) CChe*m2a)D3 ;, A)2)st ,-., .

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