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Driverless Car

Serenity Miller WORD

The driverless car is the news of the decade. People say it should be around by 2020. They call it the autonomous automobile. It helps if you are not paying attention to the road and someone happens to hit the brakes because they almost ran a stop sign you do not have to worry because the car has sensors and it can stop automatically. Lets just say it prevents fewer wrecks from happing. So if you are new learner this is the perfect car for you. Other people have their own way of the car. The car has cameras so if the automobile seems to be drifting off the road it senses it and safely moves it automatically back on the road. If you happen to take your hands off the wheel the car will steer for you for a short period of time but soon it will let you know when to put your hands back on the wheel.
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Works Cited
Ed. Julie Jacobson. Vers. 1.5. n.d. AP Photo. 30 October 2013.

Serenity miller Driverless Car Nov.1.2013

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