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Reagan Hansford Mrs.

Kinlea Hensel Engish III 07 February 2014

Topic Proposal: Diabetes !tage 1" Statement of purpose: #he $ur$ose of %ondu%ting this resear%h $ro&e%t is to dis%o'er ho( diabetes affe%ts a $erson and their fa)ily. I belie'e I should be able to resear%h this to$i% be%ause I ha'e a $ersonal %onne%tion (ith )y fa)ily about this disease. !o)e *uestions I ha'e %on%erning )y to$i% are+ ,hat %auses diabetes- ,hat does it do to a $erson- ,ill there e'er be a %ure for this %o))on har)ful disease- I ho$e to find out )any things that (ill be hel$ful in )y future for )y brother. /no(ledge. and understandings about )y to$i%. Background: My brother (as diagnosed (ith stage 1 diabetes De%e)ber 10. 2010. It (as a 'ery hard ti)e for )e and )y fa)ily. ,e had no idea (hat diabetes really (as. 1o( (e /no( a lot but I feel li/e there is so )u%h )ore to dis%o'er about this disease. Significance: #his to$i% )eans a lot to )e for $ersonal reasons. I (ant to be able to /no( hel$ful /no(ledge for the future. #his (ill hel$ )e on all of )y understandings and )isunderstandings. I %ouldn2t thin/ of a better to$i% to s$end a (hole se)ester (or/ing on be%ause it2s not &ust going to be able to hel$ )e its going to hel$ )y fa)ily too. Description: ,ith )y to$i% I (ill %ondu%t three different ty$es of resear%hes. I (ill use internet resear%h for details on diabetes. 3nother (ay is inter'ie(s (ith )y brother for $ersonal e4$erien%e. #he last for) of resear%h I (ill use is obser'ations using %harts and gra$hs to find nu)bers and data on diabetes. Methodology: In order to get great results for all of )y resear%hes I (ill start by using )ulti$ly ter)s for the internet. so)e ter)s in%lude5 diabetes. (hat is diabetes. and ho( does diabetes affe%t so)eone. In )y inter'ie(s (ith )y brother he %an gi'e )e $ersonal o$inions and ho( he feels about ha'ing diabetes. 6oo/ing at %harts and gra$hs I %an see ho( )any $eo$le ha'e diabetes. ho( )any $eo$le get diagnosed a year. and (hat is a a'erage age for getting stage 1 diabetes. Problems:

#he only issue I thin/ I )ay fa%e during this resear%h is (ith ti)e be%ause I ha'e %heerleading four days a (ee/. I (ill handle this by /no(ing s%hool %o)es first and (or/ing around %heer. 3lso I ha'e $lenty of ti)e to get )y (or/ done in %lass or right after s%hool.

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