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Build Your Own SMS Server

vaio [Type the company name] SMS

Build Your Own SMS Server



About Me Heres a brief about me. My name is Azril Nazli and Im from Malaysia. Met Linux since 1995 and never stopped loving it since then. Started web programming back in 1999 when PHP3 was introduced and now Im still developing using CakePHP Framework. Apart from this SMS Project, I manage a wifi controller using open source tools.

Basic Knowledge To Follow This Tutorial Linux, Vi Text Editor, Web Programming basic and able to follow visual tutorial and able to troubleshoot by yourself and able to use Google

Build Your Own SMS Server


In this tutorial, we will build a SMS system using your own computer and normal mobile phone. The goal of this tutorial is, to use a web based system for sending and receiving SMS. Hardwares used 1. Sony VAIO-VGN CR11GH Notebook 2. Sony W980 Mobile Phone 3. USB Cable connecting the phone to notebook ( comes with the phone ) Softwares used 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Windows VISTA Home Edition VMWARE Server 1.0.8 Linux Fedora 9 Live ISO Gnokii SMSD MySQL Database PHP 5.2 Server CakePHP 1.2 Framework Apache 2 Server

Build Your Own SMS Server


1. Go to and download free VMWARE 1.0.8 server URL : Download both files , VMware Server for Windows OS and VMware Server Windows client package.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Choose Custom Installation

Only install VMware

Build Your Own SMS Server


Build Your Own SMS Server


Build Your Own SMS Server


Build Your Own SMS Server


Build Your Own SMS Server


Build Your Own SMS Server


Build Your Own SMS Server


In this case, I only use 2GB of disk space

Build Your Own SMS Server


Now we want to boot using Fedora 9 Live CD ISO. Click Edit virtual machine settings

Build Your Own SMS Server


Select CD-ROM and choose Use ISO image. Then Click browse and point to your Linux Fedora ISO image.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Click Install to Hard Drive icon

Build Your Own SMS Server


Choose DHCP for eth0

Build Your Own SMS Server


Set your Root password

Build Your Own SMS Server

The image cannot be display ed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart y our computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.


Click Yes

Build Your Own SMS Server


Click write changes to disk

Build Your Own SMS Server


Install Fedora 9 into VMWARE Hard Disk we created earlier.

Build Your Own SMS Server



Restart back the system and login as root ( Choose Other in login window ). I will not use X Windows since it will use a lot of memory. So to turn off X Windows server, using Shell Terminal, edit this file /etc/inittab. Change the defaut value from 5 to 3 as shown above. Save the file and restart the system.

Build Your Own SMS Server


After you restarting the server, login as root and type this command to check your assigned ip address via DHCP. Ifconfig eth0 On the example shown above, the ip address is located at

Build Your Own SMS Server


To enable you connect the the system using WinSCP or FileZilla Secure FTP, turn off IPTABLES service and turn on SSHD service. Issue these command service iptables stop [ENTER] service sshd start [ENTER] Example is shown above.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Gnokii 0.6 is already installed by default in Linux Fedora 9 distribution. But we need to install Gnokii SMSD. Issue this command yum install gnokii-smsd [ENTER] Then the system will automatically find gnokii-smsd on Linux Fedora Repo server. Choose Y

Build Your Own SMS Server


Next we need to install Gnokii SMSD MySQL. We will using MySQL database to store incoming SMS and using MySQL to send outgoing SMS. Issue this command yum install gnokii-smsd-mysql [ENTER] Above screenshot will be displayed, Choose Y to install. Till now, you have already installed 2 application. What needed till now is [root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep gnokii gnokii-0.6.24-1.fc9.i386 gnokii-smsd-mysql-0.6.24-1.fc9.i386 gnokii-smsd-0.6.24-1.fc9.i386

Build Your Own SMS Server


We need MySQL Server for database storage. Issue this command yum install mysql-server [ENTER] Choose Y to install

Build Your Own SMS Server


Fedora 9 doesnt comes with PHP as default, so we need to install PHP. Issute this command yum install php [ENTER]

Build Your Own SMS Server


We will need PHP-MySQL extension to store the data from PHP. Isse this command yum install php-mysql [ENTER]

Build Your Own SMS Server


We need to allow execution of .htaccess in /var/www/html folder since we will use CakePHP for our FrameWork. I use FileZilla to access my system located at After logged in, go to /etc/httpd/conf/ and edit this file httpd.conf. I use Crimson Text Editor for editing.

Change line 292 from AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All

And line 328 from AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All Save the file.

Build Your Own SMS Server


After you saved the file, FileZilla ftp will ask for confirmation. Click OK.

We have installed PHP and MySQL. Now we need to run them using service command. service httpd start [ENTER] service mysqld start [ENTER]

Build Your Own SMS Server


We need to install wget to download files for the internet using wget. Issue this command yum install wget [ENTER]

Go to and download CakePHP 1.2.0 RC3 and place it on /var/www/ folder. You either download using Windows and transfer to Fedora using FileZilla SFTP or use wget directly in the console.

Build Your Own SMS Server


I use wget to download cakephp 1.2.0 RC3 and rename it as cakephp.tar.gz. Extract it using this command tar zxvf cakephp.tar.gz Then I rename html folder as html.ori . After that I rename cakephp_1_2_0 folder as html as shown below.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Now point you browser to you IP ADDRESS. In this case I use and CakePHP is successfully installed on my system.

Build Your Own SMS Server


We are going to add USB support to the system since Im using Sony W980 mobile phone attacted to my laptop via USB. Click Edit Virtual Machine Setting and youll presented by the menu shown above. Click Add and choose USB Controller

Build Your Own SMS Server


Choose USB Controller and click Next.

Then power on back the system. Dont forget to connect your phone in Phone Mode.

Build Your Own SMS Server


In this session, we are going to detect mobile phone interface in Linux environment. Make sure youve have already installed your phone driver in Windows. In this case, Ive already installed Sony W980 driver in Windows XP. First make sure youve already connected your mobile phone in Phone Mode. Then, click VM -> Removable Devices -> USB devices -> [ Choose You Mobile Phone Type Here ]

Build Your Own SMS Server


Then in Linux console, type this command dmesg After typing the command, youll presented by output shown above. cdc_acm 1-1:3.1: ttyACM0: USB ACM device cdc_acm 1-1:3.3: ttyACM1: USB ACM device

Build Your Own SMS Server


Now edit this file either using VI text editor or SFTP into the server and edit using your favorite text editor File location: /etc/gnokiirc Change line 11 to your phone interface. In my case is /dev/ttyACM1

Then move to line 52. Change the model to AT Save the file.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Now we want to test the mobile phone connection. Run this command : gnokii identify In my case, gnokii is able to detect my phone at /dev/ttyACM1 . If your system cant detect the phone, try change the port setting in /etc/gnokiirc file and start the test again.

Now for further testing, I send a text message to this number 0146412911 ( which is my other phone number ) echo Hello World | gnokii sendsms < insert your other mobile phone number > [ENTER] Example is shown above.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Now use you VM terminal and type the following command 1. 2. cd /usr/share/doc/gnokii-smsd-mysql-0.6.24/ ls l

Command #1 is to enter the directory. Command #2 is to list the file inside the directory. We are going to create a database and populate the table inside the file above, sms.tables.mysql.sql

Build Your Own SMS Server


Step 1 : create smsdb database Step 2: import the table structure in sms.tables.mysql.sql file into the smsdb table Step 3: log into the mysql database console and use smsdb database Step 4: show the tables inside the smsdb database 1. mysqladmin uroot create smsdb 2. mysql uroot smsdb < sms.tables.mysql.sql 3. mysql uroot smsdb 4. show tables; 5. exit;

Build Your Own SMS Server


Now were going to use CakePHP to manage the smsd database.

Rename this file /var/www/html/app/config/database.default.php to /var/www/html/app/config/database.default.php and the change the login & database value.

Edit line 7 and change login value to root and line 9 change database value to smsd Save the file.

Edir core.php in the same directory and change line 153 to something else.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Change the folder permission for /var/www/html/app/tmp to 777

Example if using command line in Linux shell.

Now open back the web server, in my case the server IP located at You should be able to see the message above. That means, you are ready to write the next application.

Build Your Own SMS Server


We are going to create database model for table inbox and table outbox. First, create a file named inbox.php inside /var/www/html/app/models folder. And paste the following code.

Save the file as inbox.php inside the /var/www/html/app/models folder. Then repeat the same process again for outbox.php. Paste the following code.

Save the file as outbox.php inside the /var/www/html/app/models folder.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Next, we are going to create the controllers for Inbox and Outbox models. First, go to this folder /var/www/html/app/controllers and create this file, inboxes_controller.php and paste the following code.

Paste the code above and save as inboxes_controller.php inside /var/www/html/app/controllers folder.

Paste the code above and save as outboxes_controller.php inside /var/www/html/app/controllers folder.

Build Your Own SMS Server


Inboxes is where incoming SMS will be saved Now it is time to test the interface. Using your windows XP browser, go to http://<your VM IP Address>/inboxes. In this case my VM ip address is located at .

Outbox is where outgoing SMS will be sent Now it is time to test the interface. Using your windows XP browser, go to http://<your VM IP Address>/outboxes. In this case my VM ip address is located at

Build Your Own SMS Server


Now it is time to run the SMS Daemon. This daemon will connect to mysql database and the the tables for incoming and outgoing messages. Run this command gnokii-smsd u root d smsdb c localhost m mysql Then try send a SMS to the connected phone and check your Inboxes database data using the web browser.

If theres no incoming data, probably youll need to tell gnokii-smsd to read the SMS from the PHONE MEMORY. So just issue the following command. gnokii-smsd u root d smsdb c localhost m mysql b ME To check your memory status you can use this command gnokii --showsmsfolderstatus

Build Your Own SMS Server


Here is the sample of my inboxes table. All the incoming SMS will stored directly into the database.

This is a sample how outgoing SMS inside the Outboxes databases. Just click New Outbox and only enter Number and Text then hit Submit. Now you have a working SMS System. To take this system further, you might need to learn some PHP programming by harnessing the CakePHP power. Learn CakePHP at

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