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.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
.2 .
.4 .
.6 .




. " "
( .

" " .





This table is out of place.
table ...
. :
-1 :Lexical Meaning

. :
linguistic meaning .technical meaning
interpretation commentator
... .
-2 :Textual Meaning

... .
. pure " " "

" . :
pure language

pure man

pure mathematics

pure sciences

contain " " " " .
to contain a crisis

to contain an enemy

to contain feelings

to contain involvement

to contain acts

harsh " " "
" . :
harsh language

harsh words

harsh clothes
harsh man

pure water
pure gold
pure Egyptian
pure angels

. :




patient forbearance


to lower pause / muffle

to devalue currency

to moderate interest rate
to curtail government spending

to curb inflation

-3 :Contextual Meaning

. :
" "
. :

The football world cup will be held at USA in coming June.

:From Arabic Press

.Snow White : :
The girl is as fair as Snow White.
The girl is as white as snow.
. . :

?How to steal a bank
. to steal
" ... ".
. " ." to rob

: . :
?How to rob a bank


semantic equivalent



My father is a teacher


. "
" ! Everything is translatable and nothing is

untranslatability SL
boy friend girl friend

porridge pork dinner-jacket
pullover sari kimono .
" " " " " " " " " "
. " " iddat :
the period during which a divorced or widowed woman cannot be married (according
to Islam).
. .
" . :
" :
Denys Davies:
And Hajj Abdul Samad said: I'll divorce my wife if Zein hasn't got himself married
and a real proper marriage it is too.
" .


" " !!

His "Lila" this time was a young girl from among the Bedouin.

" "
" " .
" " " ".
. " "
. .

. " " "
" .
Newmark "
" .




"An idiom is a fixed group of words with a special meaning which is different from
the meanings of the individual words".

. similes metaphors
proverbs and sayings jargon
.slang and colloquialisms .


. :

. " " "
" " " .
" : ".


. .

. :

When you get a shame, away go from eyes
When the ass kicks, never tell

Empty hands lead to / cause sadness

A light purse makes heavy heart
. :
: "."yuppie
: ( Indian summer
" : TL
to take the gloves off

to rain cats and dogs

to pay through the nose

to bring (one's) heart into his mouth

to take the cake
to smell a rat

to have no stomach

to lose (one's) temper
to be in advance

to move heaven and earth

behind one's back

to clear the air

strike while the iron is hot

a chip off the old block

to give one his head

diamonds cut diamonds

out of sight, out of mind
always has been, always will be

if you want a thing well done, do it yourself

divide and rule

east or west, home is best

charity begins at home


abbreviations acronyms

" word compound
noun phrase
" . " "g " "gram 25 " :
."g " "BBC " ."British Broadcasting Corporation

" "cont. " "contd. "."continued
: :
m= meter

p.= page

F= Fahrenheit

N= North

: :






Thurs.= Thursday

: :
asst.= assistant

dept.= department


tbsp.= tablespoonful

: :
Member of Parliament

compact disc

HRH His/Her Royal Highness

USA United States of America

VIP very important person

rmp revolutions per minute


" "a " "an

. :
Bachelor of Science
. " : ."acronyms :
BASIC Beginner's
Instruction Code

OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting


TEFL teaching English as a foreign language

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

acquired immune deficiency syndrome


. .

. .


. .
The structural imbalances of world economy, the inequities of per capita income
against GNP and GDP, the inadequacies of economic machinery and the deficiencies
of economic laws are mainly attributed to narrow-minded policies in some countries.


Compound Nouns
nouns : verbs adjectives .adverbs
compound nouns affixes
" +
"A compound noun is a noun plus noun (N+N) combination, in which the second
element is the head (H) of construction and the first element is a kind of modifier
" : " .
: Adjective:
fierce dog
: Adverb:
the dog barked loudly
: Phrase:
the dog with a long tail

-1 :two words
post office

Health Care

-2 :hyphenated word

-3 :one word


. :
shoe polish

forest fire



. :
race horse

horse race

pocket watch

watch pocket
" ." adjective plus noun
Rule "
"Any adjective plus noun construction is potentially ambiguous".
" the-ing form

."compound noun ) present participle (ing

" " ) gerund (ing " " .
. (
" " .
dancing teacher

dancing : noun " " (

. adjective " " (
flying field
flying : " "
. " " .
swimming suit
swimming " " . "
" .
They are moving vans.
. main verb are
moving vans . :

are moving :


They are hunting dogs.

are hunting dogs . :

are hunting .

noun .adjective :
English Teacher
English :
" "
" "
dark room
dark :
" "


" "
Black board

black :
" "
" "
. :
football game

basketball playground

life assurance policy

French language conference

:foreign car dealers :
:the new house furniture : the :
:excellent director's secretary


head of construction
modifier . :

" " " " .
seven-year-long talks
a ten-page report

the French-educated woman

peace loving forces

widening gap

Chamber of Commerce Annual Convention

Cairo International Book Fair

T.V. Gulf war survey

next month parliamentary elections
Purpose of Activity:
)To provide urban governorate Management Information System (MIS
department heads with an opportunity to examine and discuss the administration of
computer centers and the management use of computer-based information systems
designed to assist local administration and local development programs with
counterparts in other countries which have analogous development experience and



" :



He entered the room expecting to find his guest, but found - an empty room.
" " " " . :

While feeling his way in the dark, thunderbolts fell unceasingly over his head.
" ":
It is indeed hard to overestimate the value of language in communication but it is
even harder to overestimate its value in thinking. Language is tied to the very process
of thought.
. " : " " ":

/ .

The OAU conference recommended that domestic investment should be enhanced and
that tourism and other hard currency resources should be promoted, particularly as
capital inflows into the continent are diminishing; limiting its capacity to
diminishing "
/ " :

( / ) .

. :
Several countries in the Sahel, after the stimulus of earlier years provided by a
gradual recovery from the long drought and by parallel diversification efforts,
suffered a significant setback in 1978 because of renewed drought conditions.
( .

Nervously, they await the supreme accolade: a visit from the patron of the London
Gardens Scheme.

" " :

. :

" " . :
Some countries are chronically mismanaged; wrong government policies would
destroy the-then vigorous nation



: .
The Government and People of Kuwait

. :

. :
Heart is governed and directed by passion


. :
In his speech on the state of security in the Gulf, the American Secretary of Defence

. :


Since it took its course, the Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

Convinced that something was wrong, the director decided to investigate the matter
In his speech delivered yesterday, the President stressed the need to
... .
In his small-sized book, the author touched on the rules of translation.
: " : " " "
" "and " "or .
Ahmed bought books, pens, cards and notebooks.
. :
: adverbs
" : " " : " "
" " " " ".

" : " "

" " " " " .
Oil has gushingly welled out.



auxiliary main verb .
The clouds have soon faded away.

. :
. by " "
. :
The notes were written by the committee.
" " :
( .

. :
English is spoken all over the world.


. :
The law was twice amended.


-1 " " against .
We will fight against the enemy.

The parents should vaccinate their children against cholera.

The judgment was against him.

. " "
" : "
. :


-2 cover .
" " . . :
KUNA correspondent covered the news of the Yemeni war.

" : " . :

-3 reach .
The Egyptian Minister of Information reached Kuwait yesterday evening.

" "reach . " "
. " " .:

-4 via :
via means of communication


I sent a message to him via Ahmed.


-5 " " according . :

POW's will be transferred on Sunday, according to the news agencies.

" "
" " " " " " .:


The meeting will be held tomorrow, according to the British officials.


According to George, she's really good teacher.

-6 cancel " ":

The agreement shall be cancelled as from Friday evening.

" " " " .
" " .
" " " " . :

-7 still " " .:
Meetings are still convened in the Security Council.

Efforts are still exerted to heal the breach in Lebanon.

" " . :

. " " " "
" " " " . :

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