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Summary of Global Warming

Global warming is an increase in earths temperature due to many causes .The causes are burning fuel , wood product ,solid waste and coal that release carbon dioxide and buildup of greenhouse gases because of human activities. Furthermore , automobiles ,homes ,businesses and factories are responsible for carbon dioxide emission .The increase in agriculture , industrial , deforestation ,mining and landfills contribute to emission of carbon dioxide cause the weather warm .The effect of global warming will generate more precipitation which enable infectious diseases to be more easily contracted and spread. In addition, it can affect our future ability to get food .It will also affect on climate which can adversely affect humans.

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Summary of Prevent Global Warming

There are many ways to prevent global warming .Firstly ,you should minimize the drafts in your home by make sure all your windows and doors are draft free .You can reduce the waste of electricity by turn off when there is no use .Then ,you should use efficient light bulbs to save energy .You can turn down the temperature of your hot water heater when the weather is cold .Moreover ,you should lead by example and help others to follow you .Besides, you can let your friend feel the benefit that you have experienced from preventing activities . Lastly ,you can share the article about how to prevent global warming with your friend and explain to your friend how you have made these simply changes.

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