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Monday 2/10:

FLA S H !!!

Dillard Elementary School:

Tina Chestnut, Principal

Whats Going On at DE S Week of 2/10/14..

-Cookie Dough Orders Due -PBIS Coaches Meeting-1-4pm South End (Tina & Melanie GONE) -BOE Meeting 6pm-Central Office


Thursday 2/13:

Tuesday 2/11:

-100th Day of SchoolFINALLY -Free Posture Clinic-100 Hall Lounge 9AM-3PM

-Principals Mtg: ALL DAY at RECHS.....Tina GONE *Grade Level Meetings: 1,3,5 -GO FAR -Parent Powerhour 2:45-3:30 *switched w/ K,2,4

Friday 2/14:

Wednesday 2/12:

-Interim Reports go home -Coffee w/ a Counselor

(invitation for parents w/ Melanie)

-Classroom Group Pictures *Grade Level Meetings: K,2,4 -K-2 SSMT -ERG (make-up day) *switched w/ 1,3,5

-Sign up due for technology lesson w/ Susan Massey (see sign up calendar on Drive) Have a safe & restful weekend!

Upcoming Events: -2/17: MAKE UP DAY.NO WORKDAY -2/19: CASA 1,3,5 -2/19: SSMT 3,5 -2/20: Black History Program 1:15 (M.Purpose Rm)

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