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Business Communication

Accident Protection Insurance Plan 1) Coverage
A) Covers accidental death Covers accidental death when riding on public transportation or on common carrier Covers accidental death in motor vehicle accidents B) Covers accidental injuries Hospitalization as result of motor vehicle accident Hospitalization as result of common carrier accident.

2) Benefits
$100,000 for accidental death on common carrier $20,000for accidental death in a motor vehicle $ 100 a day for hospitalization as a result of motor vehicle or common carrier accidents

3) Admission
Guaranteed for all applicants No physical exam or health questions Free, no obligation exam.

4) Premiums and payment

1) Premium Is an only penny a day Individual coverage is only $17.85 per quarter Family coverage is just $26.85 per quarter 1) Convenient payment billed quarterly 2) No individual rate increases

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