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MAGIC RINGS Magic rings and true and powerful magic rings can do real wonders.

Most powerful Magic Ring that every one is aware and knows is the Noorani Ring or a ring with natural and powerful gemstones. !he stones that are em"edded in this powerful ring are# ru"y# coral# uncut diamond# pearl# emerald# yellow sapphire# "lue sapphire and hessonite. !hose who "elieve in gemology and gem stones do "elieve in this magic ring# as it is a com"ination of naturally occurring gemstones. As when you wear a ring of natural gems it "ecomes a magic powerful ring as all the gems work as individual powers and one can notice the affects and wonders when you wear it.

$aca intr%o &i iti vine sa promit sa te fac sa ra&i dar pot sa plang cu tine..daca intr%o &i iti vine sa promit k o sa te opresc dar pot sa fug cu tine..daca intr%o &i nu ai chef sa aculti pe nimeni..cauta%ma..promit sa tac oricat vrei..daca intr%o &i ma cauti si nu raspund..vino repede sa ma ve&i..poate e randul meu sa am nevoie de tine...

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