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Su4 Re-evaluation Neeting

1. What is the puipose of this meeting.

2. Pioviue a backgiounu on the stuuent.
Nental stability
Family situation - Bau in A.L. siblings, etc.

S. Biscuss some of the things the stuuent likes(Infoimation fiom social woikei)
Anne Fiank
Reauing- Romance, Thiillei, Boiioi
Shopping - Bot Topix, Spencei's etc.
Nusic - Netal, Pop, Scieam-0
Boiioi movies
Baii, make-up

This stuuent believes she has an outgoing peisonality.

uoal with Su4:
1. To help builu positive ielationships
2. To help builu self-esteem
S. Pioviue the stuuent with moie iesponsibilities

1. Encouiage stuuent
2. Pioviue anu oppoitunity to volunteei at the nuising home.
S. Weight loss challenge.

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