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My Individual Reaction

The topic my partner and I chose is decomposition. My individual reaction is

! CaO + CO
The structure of the compound contains Calcium, Carbon and
Oxygen. The structure is ionic and made up of covalently bound ions. This compound is
slightly hazardous, when it is in contact with your skin it may cause skin irritation and
also eye irritation. Some safety procedures when you are handling this are to wear
appropriate clothing, gloves and safety goggles. Also it is necessary if you are near an
eyewash station and a safety shower just in case of an emergency. It is a common
found rock all around the world including shells, snails, marine organisms and egg
shells. It is also commonly found in limestone, chalk, marble and calcite. It is commonly
used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid, but excessive consumption
can be very hazardous. The word equation for this is solid calcium carbonate is heated
and decays to form solid calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas. This equation is already
balanced, the same number of each atom is on both sides of the equation. At first the
compound is a solid, then it is heated up to form a solid and a gas. It has one reactant
and forms into two or more products. The law of conservation of mass relates to the
balanced chemical equation by since it states that mass can neither be created nor
destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space and so in a chemical change, the
total mass of reactants must equal the total mass of products. The specific date is
unknown for when it was found, but most scientists claim that it was discovered
somewhere in 1932. Also it is unknown how was the reaction discovered as well.
Examples of where this reaction commonly occurs are where there is a strong source of
heat energy(thermal decomposition), and electric currents (electrolysis). Compounds
need at least one source of energy needed to break things down into simpler forms.
Observable evidence that is seen is that the compound will turn into two or more
products, in this case CaCO
will turn into CO (Calcium Oxide), and CO


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