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Alex Zhu Energy demo systems questions 1. The cart + ramp + pulley + spring 2.

The amount of PE lost and gained back in KE, and vice versa. Thus, the total energy of the system is constant and conserved. 3. The weight pulling the cart from the pulley, spring pushing/pulling the cart 4. There is energy flow. PE from weight (when it is at its max height) becomes KE when it flows to the cart, PE from spring, when fully extended, becomes KE as it pulls the cart back towards it. 5. The system has negative feedback. As the accelerates towards one end (increasing KE), it slows down once it passes the equilibrium point in the middle (decreasing KE). The same happens as the cart accelerates back towards the side it came from. 6. Energy conserved in the weight/pulley subsystem because as the weight loses PE, it gains the lost amount of energy back as KE. The same happens with the spring as it gains PE and loses KE towards the ends and loses PE and gains KE towards the middle. The total amount of energy in the subsystem is consistent.

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