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Prayer for my family Lord Jesus Christ, I praise and thank you For my parents, and brothers, and

sisters Whom you have given me to cherish. Surround them with your tender, loving care, Teach them to love and serve one another in true affection and to look you in all their needs. I plece them all in your care, Knowing that your love for them is greater than my own. Keep us close to one another in this life And conduct us at last to our true and heavenly home. Blessed be God forever. Amen.

Prayer for the sick We know, Lord God, That you have a special love for the sick. They are your children and they are in pain. Give them the courage to accept their sickness. Help them to discover the value of suffering. In your good time bring them true relief. Keep them content, happy and peaceful. Amen.

Prayer before travelling Divine savior, be my lifes companion As you were for disciples of Emmaus. They wandered sad and distressed along the road

That led away from the cross. Thus did they meet you without recognizing you. Your words renewed their spirits, And they recognized you as you broke the bread of friendship. Lord, remind me of that when I am sad and can go no further. Then let me remember that you love me And that you are near to me. Instead of retreating within myself And being alone in my sorrow, I will think of you. And with your friendship I will make my way, Renewed in spirit and with a joyful heart. Amen.

Prayer for my friends Lord, help me be a friend to all who need me. Show me how to share your love. Teach me to see you in others. Let me see that more important than money and personal achievements are the true friends I make and keep, The friends Ill come to love and cherish and always remember. Lord, bless my friends (name of your friends) Lead them closer to you just as you are doing to me. Deliver them whenever they are in darkness And draw them into the lights of your love. Cast out their cares, anxieties, worries, and concerns, Sustain them with you peace and love, And grant them your constant guidance Troughout their lives. In jesus name I pray. Amen.

Prayer for my family

Lord Jesus Christ, I praise and thank you For my parents, and brothers, and sisters Whom you have given me to cherish. Surround them with your tender, loving care, Teach them to love and serve one another in true affection and to look you in all their needs.

I place them all in your care, Knowing that your love for them is greater than my own. Keep us close to one another in this life And conduct us at last to our true and heavenly home. Blessed be God forever. Amen.

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