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FelrHaaiear (arrears) H9227 itary Fo Fo Aas Haast eel aa) (9227 BAAS fia a: SAiT)nc | saa Sara quart qe 9694 Wea Sof— ar fe serge zare avd, 31° fire, SR Ges, Tareas Publisher's Note ‘The present work was undertaken by the Ganga- natha Jha Research Institute, with the financial help of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. Collection and collatiow ofthe manuscripts and, later, the'editing and printing of the text took considerably longer than was excepted. Even so, after the text had been printed, it was found to contain numerous errors which were mainly due to both the editing and the proofreading being done by different persons at differ- ent times. Some of the forms had to be reprinted and Errata had to be appended. However, misprints per- taining to Anusyara, and the division of Padas and Compounds could not be included in the Errata. These can be corrected only in the second edition of the work. The editing was done under the general supervision of the late Mahamahopadhysya Umesha Mishra and later Mahamahoptdhysya Gopinath Kaviraja who has also kindly written (in Hindi) an extensive Introduction to the work. Tam sincerely grateful to him: My thanks are also due to Pandit Sitanatha Jha and Dr, Kishor Nath Jha of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute, who have helped in the editing and proofreading of _ the text. Dr. Kishor Nath Jha has alo prepared not only the Errata but also the several Parisistas which will be of great help to the intérested. reader in unravel- ling the riddles of numerous Slokas of the text. H The Ganganatha Jha Research Institute has been taken over by the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Ministry. of Education, Government of India, since the Ist of June 1971, and it has been renamed as ‘Ganganath Jha Kendriya Sanskrit. Vidyapeetha? As the Principal of the Vidyapeetha, I have great pleasure in presenting tothe scholars the Kamakalakhanga of the Mahakitla- sami, an extensive and important treatise on Tantra. It is hoped that one more Khanda of the work, the Gulyakalikhonda will be published by this Vidyapeetha in the near future. Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapectha, Motilal Nehru Park, ALLAHABAD. ARYENDRA SHARMA July 20, 1972. Principal. fara faqa: Foreword after R80 TH: Tea: PEARS: TA, arrrararset stg AAR a TA: QYR TA: Tee: Rv5 FA: Tet: Vey TH: Wet: aeafaasrt werlaaaataTl bvi R-vo 23-2o wR 4 ts RAH’ Re Ry Qe aA: Tea: RTA Wares eT Tragaarfraray aioee ay 33 ¥¥—S0 ee ¥e ¥s aR uy aS wE &f-95 sf ae 3 et 9=-RFe oo eF c% a és («= ) ee thant gs Re tre te RRR 833 IY ea aXe ate 229 tle Re RRo RRe 238 83a qRR tie Re Re-live §36 Pee Vs aay Ree ve exe Ihe tho th t4s Ritts 282 hee en-1 69 tec 9eq ead 2éi9—-4G85 es 2e3-Weu ta3 _ifefretia I-32 {—riilenaseadiart anaes |g starrer: = i—reiasledsea slat TTA go coagedaragact sataeniat yé .~ ears arat sian fore RE Snearraienaediiaemt amigas 6 ararrrir Re FOREWORD Malismahopadhysya Dr Umesha Mishra, the late Secretary of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute, made a propesal to wie Government of India in 196! when he was the Vice-Chancellor of the K.S. Sanskrit University, Darbhanga, that the famous work on Tantra called Mahukdlasatthiva be taken up for publication. The scheme be drew up involved a total expenditure of Rs. 1,22,964. Tn 1963 the Central Sanskrit Board approved the scheme in principle and made an initial grant of Rs. 5,000 only “for transcription, collation, microfilming and taking photostat copies of the Manu- scripts of the work, provided itwas undertaken by: the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute’. Thereupon Dr. Mishra approached various: Manu- script collections for copies of the work. In particular, he made prolonged efforts to get copies of the Manu- scripts of the work from Nepal, Through the good offices of the late Prime Minister of India, Shri Lal Baka- dur Shastri and! the then Indian Ambassador in Nepal, ShriShriman Narain, he succeeded in finding out that there are nearly 58 Manuscripts of the: huge -work in the Nepalese library, covering nearly 3740 .folia. The charges for transcribing them came (0 more than Rs. 18,700, It was, therefore, arranged that photostat copies of the most complete text fiom among’ these atone should be obtained: Accortlingly, through the patient efforts of Dr. Indu Shekhar, Cultural Aitache u in the Embassy of India, Nepal, photostat copies: of 107 folia of Kamakalakhanda portion were procured by the end of 1966. Dr: Indu Shekhar wrote to’ the Secretary; “Further photographs of the fragmentary Mss, are not possible as these do not contain much rélevant or important material; if you are keen to get fragmentary portions photographed it will cost tremen- dously which I believe will be a waste’. It is only now, after several years of continued cfforts, that in February 1971 the Archaeology Department of the Government of Nepal have assured us that a photostat copy of the complete Manuscript of the Gubpakulikhanta also can be sent to the Institute at a cost of Ra. 1650. Arrangements have been made to procure this photostat copy as well. Meanwhile, efforts were made to obtain copies of the Manuscripts of Malalalasamiirat elsewhere too. It is regretted that though it is reported that complete copies of the Manuscript of the work are available with some Pandits, such as, Shri Jeeveshwar Singh, Bela Palace, Darbhanga; Pandit Rajeshwar Shastri Dravid, Principal, Sanga Veda Vidyalaya, Varanasi; and a Pandit at Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, they have so far been reluctant to allow them to be used by the Institute. Nevertheless, so far we have succecded in finding out the following portions of the Manuscript of the Moahakalasamhia : (1) From Patala 181 to Patala 195 called Guhyakalt- Kanga, There are five photostat-copies of it in our iv actual possession + (a) ene from Chandradhari Museum, Darbhanga—Ms. No CSMT/64; (b}-(c) two from BK. §. D. Sanskrit University, Darbhanga Bundle No. 164 and Bundle No. 251; (d)-(e) &eo from Varanascya Sanskrit University, Varanasi—Ms. No. 24709 and Ms. No. 24897. We have had access to two more Manuscripts of this portion but have not yet been able to procure their photostat copies: (f) one at K. 8. D. Sanskrit University, Darbhanga, Bundle No, 167 and (g) one at Varanaseya Sanskrit Uni- versity, Varanasi Ms. No. 54290/12/180 'Fantra. The Archacolozy Department, Government of Nepal have also promised (as pointed out above) to send photostat copy of this portion, butwe have not yet had access to it. A portion of Guhyakalikhanda is said to have been printed in Unpublished Upanisads, Adyar, 1933, pages 410-420 and a Devanngari Ms. of folia 69-302, Patala 193 is also reported to-exist in the Royal Asatic Socicty of Bengal, Calcutta, No. 6818 (vide—Tantra Mss., 1940, Vol. VIII, pt. 2, p. 873)- (2) Potala 221. There is only one Manuscript of it in the focal Uttar Pradesh State Archives Library, Ms. No. 7222, We have not yet been able to procure its photostat copy. (3) Prom Patala 247 to Palala 255 called Aamakala- Khanda, There are three photostat copies of it in our actual poss¢ssion* (a) one from State Library, Nepal, which is the only complete Ms. available ; (bh) one incomplete: copy from Ghandradhari Museum, Dar- bhanga, Ms. No, CSMT/64, and (c) anolher incomplete copy from K. 8. D. Sanskrit University, Darbhanga, iv Bundle No. 164. We have had access to one more incomplete Manuscript of this portion but have not yet been able to procure its photostat copy; itis at Vara- naseya Sanskrit University, Varanasi, Ms, No. 54230/ 12/180 'Pantra. (4) Unidentified portion of Kalakalikhanga containing “Kilakalisahasrantma." There are two. Manuscripts of this portion + ove in our own Research Institute, Ms, No, St, 958/6933 and avofler in the local Uttar Pra- desh State Archives Library, Ms. No 6636. Tt will thus be scen that of the known 255 Patalas only 30 complete and one incomplete Patala have come to our knowledge. It is hoped that it will be possible totrace out and unearth the remaining portions at an early date. Tn view of these difficulties and the vast nature of the work it was felt that we need not wait endlessly for the entire Manuscripts of the work to be procured and start the work of transcription and collation of the available sections. Accordingly, the [ustitute appointed Pandits and Research Scholats for the purpose under the Editorship of Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Umesha Mishra. Uslortunately the Goyerument did not ‘sane- tion the full expenses of transcription and collation work and the Tnstitute was obliged to engage them sporadi- cally whenever it could afford todo:so. Among those who have been thus employed by the Institute for transcription and collation of Afahikalaramhhifa. Manu- far, mention may be made of Dr. Asha Ram ‘Tripathi, Pandit Babu Ram Upadhyaya, Pandit Deye- ¥ ndra Mishra, Pandit Jayakishora Jha and Pandit Teka~ nath fla. Tt was possible only in January 1970 to have a full- time regular Pandit for this work when the munificent donation fiom the Beni Prasad Sarojini Tandon Trust a Scholatship of Rs. 200 per month was made by the pre micr Rais. of the city, Sri Beni Prasad Tandon. Besides this in March 1970 when the Institute finances improved, the post of a part-time Pandit in the Manuscript Depart- ment of the Institute which was temporarily transferred to Malhskalasathis Department was converted into a postof full-time Manuscript Pandit, and the Beni Prasad Sarojini Tandea Trust Scholar could also be given an additional salary of Rs. i00 per month. Since then Pandit Sitanatha Jia as Beni Prasad Sarojint Tandon Trust Scholar and now as’ Manuscript Pandit and Dr, Kishor Nath jha as Manuscript Pandit and now as Research Officer are engaged on the task of transcri- bing and collating there Manuscripts. Dr. Umesha Mishra was able to edit the Aamakala- ihanda only in part when the cruel hands of Death took him away from this world in September 1967, There~ tipon Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Gopi Nath Kaviraj, late Principal of the Government Sanskrit College, Varanasi and the most elderly and eminent Tantra Scholar in India who is “also the President of this Institute, very kindly undertook the work of editing. It is a matter of gratification that Pandit Kaviraj has been able to com- plete the editorial work of the Kamakalakhanda and in is hereby possible for us to place it before the scholarly world, Its publication, no less than the Jearned intro- vi duction appended to it, would give everyone an idea of what the huge work would ultimately be. T am alsa happy to make it public that the collation work of Gulvahaliblands is nearing completion and it is alse likely to be published at an carly date. The publication of Aamakalakianga is no small matter of satiefaction to’ me personally, as I have thus been able to realise, albeit partly, a dream which my pre- deeessor and father the late: Malixmahopadhyaya had of bringing to light this Jost treasure of the hoary past Jayakanta Mishra April 8, 1972, Honorary Sterelary afrer o (%} sereetifeat & genia spay are =e) aire rat Fae Terms far nent ware oe here Peer wea af SRE aye sax andes seep ® ero A norateq car sedheatay Regier & fra Roa f ise oer & gener apy aan tenga fiery te He sae fea yer a serene & wer FW seth ghee ae saz cae Aare eT gee eed ae Peay | Tae fey FR ate sere Ta ae a marian seater ace Sever eT era ert fren | wrdifer eager aa ae Says ite finer ait exam vant We sea Foe ary ert meat gap ae woe een tear at aa ce oe F aed amit frePre feet S wey Gat FE Gh Hear aT 1 wath oe are ve yh atarercr tora antes wet pee Sita g) xefee tt weary & af Fearne wer wef Stary Gira ot 7 a free a gre Grae ears aes ser oe Sr AMrre ey eto ey ge ee afier A afafere ex fear | saree FE Mayes ater errata § i 2) meat at see are T aqna ere gor st oe foadq wpe ot) ge ht ow tec fer Gh ET ee aT ee Me ee a | Parfums: gee fae wget oe Fay een wey RI (2) wave t sare friag Pet wi wtga al adh’, feat saereT ates & Sy Hove ers sieaga dates e) ae 21 earth * aeya at Pee an saita 2, cies dtae arm fea amet § | see: sg see wet ae 2. ae WIT Bee FET Qiag aaa fe omie % ware 8 sya aia 2 fers er TT R qrax ag At sre fear site eth 2 | wai qa 8 aia srcaes Sar mae se set eh ae W feeya glee ere 2) ere A agar gor ar ver 2 | ag et aaa 8 feag mare fers, SiH cma att ace hae tar FF. sifted fea stm 4 a fear dé, sty % fra cont wre gee oat aa 3, ere sit wart dtesngs feat oes arg] ear tate Rubio ser a ey afer re ra & was fare Fae att sran dia Perera fava et fet, rev 3 uff eo A ae Sai ise wyag afew aare gar baa se Se fees ot ae, wa zat rat aoe Fare sfomra eet sere set fra- Wie RaW Tee ee Sa Bl eee: faeerara Wt aan Sita: grasa 21 frei a ain wl arais & afin ge a 21 wae Tee Sree a Ray Har aa eae Pes aha seat Tae me ve feet get oe aaah Ft gfe cre det 21 se ond “avac ary 1 ate foul agf ERTRaT Sea [ey oem amarefats ayer wat eStart FEA afeitts agers aa: gerasnte 1 walt card sitea aes | alinsaia arts dated saa AAT: MI, areal + Fe ea GT A wearer: | SaTerass Were: eq: ST FT 1 a: Waleed Talay Tas Yee | frat Patt aa: tha: aeaferat wafer 1 qeeMeg WaSy aca Pra | APTA FT TTA | aoa [ey a] Tet Te aT ae wee ahaa a Fret seat aT aver attrzaents taaea aire: | Saeaa Wala Wereaae TA 34 ver] erersafearat ® Ta FF Tar aa awa frat eazy | wera Sam wits fargo) wa: 11 AAA APF HATA WATT | ara Te: trey sawed a2q 1 aifictia aa: searg Sra afeqar aa trea Sd adisreys fra TATE Seat ATG ad: TH A So al azar Say: Taahra TF PS FT ATTA I qafaifa saateacaty Srafs aa: fattageaeca wa: sppifaa: 11 wreteatac fareq aa WEA | faa fe gfe aoret ss afqaa i [weg] Tat + ae galery aa aT I ware F Wed aA F aif Boet a fret freer fe qa ell CA) a lalaby Faawreraney Prieto: Ty I ols ibladsiinbalinioil Rs armaaTaEy [eeu sea WATS UA: TAP AATA AMET Ut sarad favieatg. grenda alee 1 qpfats ge fae wars ary AAMT AMA AL: TATA | warag: vo faa cad fe areas qaa Tae Tat TET | aa SHAT HIST HTT HT 1) qraeasrraratt ASAT Tz | wg acid Tah AAAKTAT II Te aia Ts aes TOTTAART | ehriatt arecq sat arate TAT 1 SAA AT Tal WATTS TT | afata 3 Fe eed Areas Aa II ARAGATS FalET ATT CATE AA: | aearares Hariis aint aferecr = 11 aatsdat warata Tea Ta | Hae AatasaimSlT AT Cee a] frgafrcastafiy TES TANET afa soraraiia sorscticrarhe fir feafsarfcin sears Ga: Sarcarhefir Semicathantinintent a aaa @fe # af sat arciae 1 ae, Tet] aernraaigaat SAGA Tar HAT FAP A aT: TA! Uh sree: | aifaatar ela Seat ATTA: FASse A aatfaar srsrer searrafaay fag: | qraTsrarataer aes atetay Ul qeatea faaraa Heal 7 a: fe 1 adem fatraegar Tat area: Mt wala wes gy Feat TAA: | farayarantatinn Taare as: II qeqia siaaes Deas TATA | HEMSa aR HHT TAT ara feraral 3 aaa: | ua fafany fafasaraity faerie: sarerraifaert safe afer: | seated TACPaNEAS FIT MTL aeaiedet garg sreredats eT: " FARA AACAT TATA | FRA sare aac TA: Il mq agua ds Preaafeetaary qedina fear Arar Thea | wai seer fafa @eATITATATeA | as aT RAAISA [Rex see WaT aaes shat ateqAvSer Il Sars earcataart saeATT set fra | gafqgeret dsieracntrat: 11 ACHAT F SEIT SMSTATTSM: | datas Haters TAIT arageeas Tattataaiaa | We Wisse seat area rea I faaafeanactariargeraaar | aay daa eainapes F Asal TATA aT GSAT | fam Tavirarararaahs: TIA | fefeaseates ares Seetate arag | Sane: Tea TARTS were ft wae ced shears aaca qa fa aheateacgorseay ate: 11 aaah seat se Tet ase aay | aqaSaa TAT Wad aeeaeTaT | HAMA TATA TTT TATTAT: Sumas asta TTA TAT LITT Ss | ares frpraies Tefiss saga 11 TATA AF TATA TT: | way [vee] Als SPH wernrandeeT | seal at aaatieat wacael afacaia 1 Rey qe] aarererd fearat 3 aeaqat cat seaiefearearzarr 4 1 qeatifed efa avseea yard | fraaead TH A ATTATT | maar aiwresrat art arerytrayy 11 SASs TEs FESS FI areata te aris sag | areaet aeaniiaed areatats afar | Waal wee aft mracar: aaa | WAS AAS TAASaaTeA | WU Sa Tae AT UI aargipa fagae Haga datz | at: FAFA TSVAATE II Teas Tare TMT Te TAT Hed arenes THasTT CT A AST AAAS HATE FT | arias ta afeatS TE | RSet Seay | aa era ata aieqeq aPrar=eTy Il ractas aftraraaisetrae | Haare saat WISasseT | qeaeeredaceat tS araifeha: ga: | Yo FATES [x24 er GHametoeaatat AT [sea] TeV UI amaaheyay Ear, araifeata TAT | qatar fated arated dat qaentary aaa aheeaTe | arate aH Aaaaatas I weal sehaaaiin faster | TSaMetataear FH TaAaera: Nl Ratha: qaacare afearqeaataary | soraea Pafaaces wearin Tet | SAA TATA FI smrenres fated deahe Fara: 1 aa Tend sacar aa fered aa | sereqanra fe aay ais fafa | PASAT TTA, | Tatar Prete af Tee aeaTSaTeT: 1 asa fate ar aed Tats ST | aad faeces frarrfsettaay, 1 wepeaarn faarmataiadt | faarfaguiatericarifactaare | auaarteary arirarsta afararz | SqMaRaeaa Sa) Arar TATA eqreay Geatniataar fae aria arate aSaaraeas sat ATTRACT: | MaMaie Tt: Fel TeTeaAtaay | < eeaiqetr] sererafearat wt Tas AACA Wes THETA I aa Sees Fale Aas FMS Fe Tats a RATA: Tae: I fasqaearqral scat sararaeoiia FI AA: Wel aay Area EaraTet Sle aA: Aaa Tae aera A TAT FT | Tae Ty TET FI fagcgeeaa PTS Tat FF | qfearcaal 2290, THT: I Tas TT sa HITT | aeeya: Fa ATT TATA Ih aa: ararfeaearar aaereraTeIaT | aeqqiaea aad ater + aan asain sea: TEAS I qearyg car aes meat Frees aT | TaN: aA VTE UI Saariat TF TT Tas FI gar afeaaas wramerafeary | measles Sa Fat AATAAAT 1 aeties fafeat are area | ta zarafaart oferta wars | abaice Fie TF et TAT TTI FRaAEA |xve em uaet arate 7 fever wera | Ua wart aA eTaTqeaTaMMT WAC | Gaeq qhtetiert areca Pritad 1 PATA AT PAT TTT | qaeq fed af car teararatt 1 Fi [ee w/t feet ea sare A ATA | wate fafate yee: Faiap SHIH | wach aq staat fesse: Sara | fad sree ae staat: ofeeraT faara ForaTtes Afaaretaatea: | fag savant erat ararviy Farer 43 I Ue HSAs aT SET aeaT TAT: | Waed Vea STH Ite | wert sat jeqratars Fars | taetad TL erat Waar, It amy Protea Aaet Sat FATT I agen fagarg at a aeaistrerfr squrasiat amt staan saaate: 11 SqavS FATE TAT FeTHATw II efreiars: faa; va Farrtaia arene faa TaTQAITTT 1 gears afavela erie 3 Fart | eq cea] agieraniearat ” AAT Hay TTT weLMers Te FETT: | Tada TAS TAT | aia arrrarpils eat ert Fy er wean sat aad fascia i ametightear sere, TteATET: | Tay Fadi Gat wore Ta 1 zaaat alte a)eaiai ar faraer fester ararats ataa aararia feareaar 11 Sera ot her eraraete aa | RATATAT TAMTSATAG STAT ALAIN ATA Fag: | aera at ares afar | woacat warEey ates Baa: | metaat T ATTOPREIIITT a TaRT I avast fead ait aacarat feaarqat | Weqa Fe oe TATA Wey 1 frei a areaentiar atiaraar | argierat afeaviear aTareareyray FAY I Ma PEI A TAHA FT | ar aa 4 Safe Fert assacact Ii faarcieateert: aes 7 Ae: | a9 Tae waar I ists sahara ae | Cs STASATAISA (ave seat aaa watatietle Fares: 1 HEaAeA a FAS BI ST! amram sega faare Asay | arena tqared fafarcdai faasaad earfaary Fefaaral aerrredfgarat TAaeArTaAT ATH femarfanqaacaifem: Tees 11 simgrela Sars 1 ag 2afe aaa sarees o | faatearta a9t fe cea faetico apt gear! aqfauiatavart serra vatata: qariaaateed a 0a sieavicie: | arat ereateaal wetted fata: fra maractaea fe a fered TAA | qaiiataa Sea: Cara rates ATI aT II qeta ar adit Sear fear | We ant gates TAT AI fHaRTeTA Wars: Fa Sar: WATT: | warponeataaiia: Sarasa As: ti Panesar eieoy weraieafer rane areas ete a Se Bae erty Tay SSH aw gee] seraret zara aay sa SAAT TTT II qed Saad sarees ais qHvsse | aay Felaia TT STANTS II pacHies sare era ea alaTHaTe | saarat Tat fale SAAT I gadis Fades STAT | Arpaio: SeaTes aaae aa: faarasial satcraratte | MaaaaaT VATA ST I sat ga WETITaT: SARITA | saat aig af Peal WaaMtiaaaTe: | areia TANT Tela AAT | WAL Saag Sat ASST I Watfad Fao a fafrresanhaz 1 HARA adi HEGeATET FAT | Saas HET TATA osfamfed araseca ate ferra avatar fad TSS TT TTT | wa aa fae aa: sede aaa aT | are straa aren featard afer ae 0 Tae Waa arateaaead: | a8 ATA PATA, [ave dats atau FA WAST ATTA: 1 wea sfeacara frarat afenhat 1 ee aL il Ha TTF ast yes Tae Herat tage Sadist a Tana | STS TSA ST TATA AA ATCSH 41 THe TE ATS ATTA = || Ws seats ast AAA 11 vaais tardies Pataca aera | ete oe eee afed Tae AAAS Re wT: | Sasa Tel FS TAT TTT | earth arate sear aha ae wea Foetal art Seat arco 1 =a ten Gaaesr eet aaa: | wen qqaeds op aaa I STMT Tessa | 2¥R Gea] Rareradifgarat aren atet Te HALT ATE | rear aarti yee A arr Tames aan Przais | TM SAPS T WaT F AETAAT: | aeaistt frag aet qeatatahrarct | Ha STAs Ags: falas a A WH: Td: Weiseh: Geral Ta: | wen: malas aqitetrtioas: |) qe Teaniat aaa fare: 1 Uae Teas TT meer seat mat aefer seat % Ud arrest fe Areareawaraa: |! afaat fronrem: Tear qetatet: | AAT SAAT Teal zenfasaatas tl aa aa geal farsa Geo aA: ast FST tease ater: ii AAA TeaTsA VASA TAAeT | om fe agaren at om qredfa fifa Tate afaar piercer: afadtae 1 a aeafafenrife qamraht sera Seahy ale, apa Tt fre at TqaAaT frearat saat frat aearst FererAAy i a4 3H gfe vara) aera | Ff Sanaa aera TAT | RTA SL aaa saeaifa sari Prfesraae | ara aaatat vaarareerary aaah aextistenr aPeatat arratir | aeareart aah aay ated wer fate qaaaaea aT: Aaa ait sataar fran ae saree | fagar afensaaa tenes HAT | qaeacat aad aS asa TAT | apie area tlacd Sie ara | aterm afer acters aafe | geass ayant qarararat sfesaraf ii faae soareife gat sean farafa | fanaa sare ac FatTem Il afm fahen facar aestats aera | gree aera fees Fareqard | fraps Gard TA qaraaaies aot arate FI seq Sa ASAT: | frpaaercetifar Taraet fester 1 arasta HAA ATEaATaaTaT: | qa TST YmATAT FeTFAT: iy aed Way AA AelT ATCT | gyasa Fa Paty I [s* geq: 2e4 gem: ] wareraafearat ve arenas fata tasafead Faq arta shy weed aaa: | at at aae fa TaaaaTesat: | aqaafadt Stet Fa afafrgeare | RATATAT TH ATT AT | afqararatl wea: Toate: | aaa fafrarecar arfasafe ares: 4) aaranmetea fart af aren aera | aeaayais Tara yeaThaay afe araieaa 241 afe ar eareerrar | aay aaa: AA FT CAT Ha Teale A eranrated frectssr SAtaT | FT aT | FE TPT Ta TT SI frat arenranta avafeqases aeac: | adiar sa yet FaaATATIT APTA: I aemibaties acer: sattist ufafens | gore crane F ATTA AEA: | qTyaaaaeaTes TASHA HTT | azenrarmarania aeaintator aeaee arerarraacradar sfqararaataa | Beata at at TPT I (9) ai Steal cat Foxy Hee ATT BAT yy giaa 3 Wet 2A AP SS i ae Ae (2) ai ae tg ai at Tat erintatay STeararRaeT SaTaT Re PETE [3s teat: fracas wana ta = | aT ar: ceaha q arat afe areatie arfafa it Ta Pala fares cara Era: | artacer ea fredsonfeacea: araeTaa: 11 seit ware ated aifeenemr: Em [3a] HAI asa A AZecs saa: aaa faa | wWereaylwgearer Gvsa=seaea | fata aif asian arsafa 9 aa: 1 seafaraaiiaer afgaraat aA: | afar eadigrd seat: ATaTTTT: | Sarre wae fa art area faarea qaeai Fefa asda, a asa aes arora fant fafe arevat = ay saeen irae fee wa = II aaeatany Year Fas ATT TTT: 1 Fear TAs sasa FA | aa aaafate oso srafear ae eprentiaaaa Ia sage af | want cary fead Prag fa 1 dat a9 seq aadercnTaaT | 325 cea] nararaafzarat ut Fare 7 ers aSatersar fre 1) Fae yfeat erat aafaemafaar | Wastrsg eval afer aan a PSH | anata fran qaaqaatzaq | Panta arses at aTATaSaT II aera Tea Tea ATH SHINS [ gan] aater ali THe I aet eae faa wTAaAAe AE I wafeafafart sgreradigarat Maraatert art ferarfaarcearaitoraa: Tea rs | werifinerert Teas faz | Gere: saan Aelfatatarte: | aera faaararis war afer | Saanled aa Hast Hala AS waacad Test ferararete, =a Bar | aa vu fe alear aa staea 4A | afe sania ait aaq 42 aad | aarnatas edad wala qHeheay II frearasait Sa Sia AH Tar: | sqragiara gar I wae ait satan Were! 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