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II was the tsar (emperor) of the Russian Monarchy from 1894 until 1917. Nicolas II was cursed from birth
He didnt want to become a tsar.

(emperor) Was tortured psychologically by his father. Prioritized family over country.

Monarchy was known for being calloused and indifferent from its peoples sufferings

People were angry with

Russia was an autocracy.

the monarchy.
(leaded by one

person) The peasants want more land. Bread lines were long. Poor working conditions for factory workers.


Bolshevik Revolution, also called the October Revolution, overturned the interim provisional government in Petrogard and established the Soviet Union. The interim provisional government was established after the monarchys fall. The Bolsheviks led workers and disgruntled soldiers and sailors in a takeover of the Winter Palace in Petrograd, the Headquarters of the interim government. It was led by the Bolsheviks consisting of primarily of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy. The Bolsheviks message was peace, land reform, and worker empowerment, expressed in the slogan "Land, Peace, and Bread."

Leader of

the Bolsheviks who believed in a 5 year socialist state in a conversion to communism Was exiled to Siberia in 1895 because of joining a communist ring. Committed to class struggle and revolution War cry was Peace, Land and Bread.


private property was abolished and divided among the peasantry. Industrial enterprises nationalized. Lenin got Russia out of the World War I for him to concentrate on internal affairs. (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk) Civil War against Reds and Whites and paved the way for the creation of the Union of Societ Socialist Republics

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