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Minutes of the Meeting of the Highridge Tenants Association Emergency Meeting May 4, 2013 Presiding: Present: Absent: Ms.

Gingold 102 Members 13 Members

All Officers Present: An emergency meeting of the Highridge Tenants Association was called to order at 7:30 PM in the lobby, by Ms. Gingold. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. The main discussion was landlord/tenant legal issues. Information dispensed as follows: Previous meetings minutes. Officers Reports Vice President, read through Red Herring report which was sent to tenants by landlords. The more difficult clauses were explained as well as the lengthy court procedures needed before actual corporative offerings can be made. Treasurer reported a balance of $487.10 and noted a minimum of $3000 was needed to retain an attorney which would negotiate with landlords. Members with unpaid dues were asked to see him after the meeting. Motions President called a motion for a committee to search for a lawyer to represent tenants. Motion was made and carried that floor captains will constitute the committee headed by the President. A motion to meet again to vote on the committee search selection was made and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Brenda Shoen, Secretary

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