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Echo Flower Shawl

Illustration #$ Echo flower shoulderette

This shawl was inspired by Estonian lace and especially the beautiful shawl, Laminaria, by Elizabeth Freeman. This shawl also shares the blossom stitch with that shawl. The border is inspired by various designs but mostly I had a mental picture of how I wanted it to look so I tried to transfer that mental image to a chart and yes, it came out e!actly the way I wanted. I"m flattered if you want to knit this pattern. It"s my first knitting design and I would love to see my design on your shoulders. If you alter or use only parts of my pattern please don"t forget to link back.
Size: Golden Echo Flower Shoulderette Ocean Blue Echo Flower Shawl Finished measurements Shoulderette: 120x60 cm Shawl: Still on needles. Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

Pattern calls for the following yarn: Shoulderette: % ansera Sundari Sil& ' pl ( '00 meters$100!. Recommended needle size: 3.5-4.5 depending on your tension. Shawl: Nyansera Bijou !" # $a$y alpaca %" # sil& '" # cashmere( )"" meters*'""g Recommended needle size: %.5-3.!5 depending on your tension. Gauge: Gau!e is not crucial Other material needed: +rochet hoo& ,aste yarn Stitch mar&ers Bloc&ing material wire- pins- a spare $ed may$e(

Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

Pattern notes )he pattern demands some lace &nittin! s&ills when handlin! the * into + stitch and nupps( ,ut other than that - thin& it.s prett strai!ht /orward. -t loo&s harder than it is( ,ut ou ha0e to ta&e extra !ood care o/ our nupp stitches on the ,order and ed!e charts. - li&e that the si1e is ad2usta,le so ou can mo0e on /rom /lower chart whene0er ou want as lon! as ou /inish row 134 on that chart. )hic&ness o/ arn( 2 pl or ' pl ( is also a choice ou5ll ha0e to decide oursel/. 6ersonall - thin& the pattern comes out ,etter in ' pl ,ut it depends on the t pe o/ arn ou5ll ,e usin!. )he /lowers will also loo& /a,ulous usin! chun& arn ,ut the ed!e will ,e a ,it too much so what ou can do is ,ind o// a/ter the /lower chart and ,loc& out the three petals on each /lower instead. -/ ou ha0e trou,le readin! or understandin! &nittin! s m,ols and a,,re0iation( - recommend that ou 0isit the /ollowin! address which also in some cases ha0e how to 0ideos. http:$$www.&nittin!$0ideos$&nittin!3!lossar - don5t show the 6 ,order stitches 7* on each side8 on an charts. )he /irst o/ these is slipped as i/ to purl. )he others are &nitted on e0er row. Crochet cast on: 9se a &nittin! needle and a crochet hoo& o/ a,out the same si1e. :or& a crochet chain o/ 6 # ;stitches with a contrastin! waste arn. )urn chain and start pic&in! up our pro2ect arn throu!h the ,ac& loop o/ the chain. For this pro2ect ou need * stitches. <a&e sure ou don5t pic& up in the /irst loop when ou turn wor&( lea0e one stitch !ap. )hese will ,e unra0eled later. k2tog: =nit 2 stitches to!ether( slantin! the stitches to the ri!ht. k3tog: =nit * stitches to!ether( slantin! the stitches to the ri!ht. ssk: Slip slip &nit( slantin! the stitches to the le/t. sssk: slip( slip( slip( &nit * stitches to!ether ( slantin! the stitches to the le/t. sk2p: slip 1( &nit 2 to!ether( pass slip stitch o0er the &nit 2 to!ether> 2 stitches ha0e ,een decreased. s2kp: Slip 2 stitches( as i/ to &nit. =nit 1 and slip the 2 slipped stitches o0er the &nitted stitch. )his /orms a central dou,le decrease. 2 into 9: =2to! t,l without droppin! the stitch /rom the le/t needle( o? repeat ' times 7still &nittin! the same stitch8( &nit the same stitch a!ain and now drop the stitch /rom le/t needle. 3 into 9: =*to! without droppin! the stitch /rom the le/t needle( o? repeat ' times 7still &nittin! the same stitch8( &nit the same stitch a!ain and now drop the stitch /rom le/t needle. !upp: <a&e a ; or + stitch nupp dependin! on the arn ou use /or our shawl. @ou ha0e to test &nit these Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

so ou &now what wor&s ,est /or our arn. <a&e sure ou don5t &nit these ti!ht( ma&e them stretch a,out 1 cm while doin! the arn o0ers on the ri!ht needle or the will ,e impossi,le to purl to!ether on next row. )his is especiall important when wor&in! with a sil& arn that has no stretch. " stitch nupp: ?=nit 1 without droppin! the stitch /rom the le/t needle( o? repeat * times 7still &nittin! the same stitch8( &nit the same stitch a!ain and now drop the stitch /rom le/t needle. 9 stitch nupp: ?=nit 1 without droppin! the stitch /rom the le/t needle( o? repeat ' times 7still &nittin! the same stitch8( &nit the same stitch a!ain and now drop the stitch /rom le/t needle. )o a0oid nupps /e0er( ta&e some extra care o/ our nupps( especiall when purlin! them all to!ether. -t5s eas that ou accidentall ,rin! one sin!le stitch alon! with the ordinar nupp stitches. Be extra care/ul with this or the pattern won5t add up on next row. -/ ou suddenl miss a stitch( stud our nupps to see i/ this is the case. -t5s reall di//icult to mas& this , 2ust pic&in! up a stitch since the nupp will !et a ,it o// trac& and the nupps are reall hi!hli!hted in this pattern. Best medicine is to ma&e sure ou alwa s ha0e those 2 nei!h,orin! stitches apart /rom the nupps. Another eas mista&e is to miss purlin! one o/ our nupp loops creatin! a slopp loo&. )r turnin! the wor& immediatel a/ter purlin! to ma&e sure that ou !ot the !an! to!ether. -/ ou disco0er this se0eral rows a/ter ou can either /ro! or sew it care/ull in place. :hen ou purl the stitches to!ether( ma&e sure ou pull them a ,it so the /orm a nice /irm little ,all.

Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

#irections Crochet cast on *( &nit 7ma&e sure to slip the /irst stitch purl3wise on e0er row8 until ou can turn and pic& up B stitches alon! the ed!e 7approximatel 12 rows8. @ou should pic& up 1 stitch under each slipped stitch. - pic&ed up under ,oth loops. Cemo0e the waste arn and care/ull trans/er the crochet cast on stitches. <a&e sure to &nit them when ou trans/er them. )otal o/ 11 st. )urn wor&. 6url all st except /or * ,order stitches on each side which ou &nit. Don5t /or!et to slip /irst st. purl3wise. Setup chart: =nit the setup chart once. 6ut mar&ers on each side o/ the center stitch on round 1. A/ter setup ou should ha0e a total o/ B; stitches( includin! the * ,order stitches on each side. Flower chart: Shoulderette 0ersion: =nit /lower chart until center stitch 7which ou alwa s &nit throu!h ,ac& o/ loop.8 Continue /lower chart. Cepeat /lower chart 4 times. Shawl 0ersion: =nit /lower chart until center stitch 7which ou alwa s &nit throu!h ,ac& o/ loop.8 Continue /lower chart. Cepeat /lower chart 1* times. Cemem,er ou can &nit the /lower chart as man times as ou li&e. =eep in mind that the ed!e chart ta&es a lot o/ arn so &eep that in mind when alterin! the si1e. )he ,order and ed!e charts ha0e 2' rows. Border Chart 1( 2 och *: Start &nittin! Border chart 1( ,e!in /rom ri!ht side row 1. =nit until 12 stitches /rom center stitch. :or& row 1 ,order chart 2. )he center stitch will now ,e wor&ed as the middle stitch o/ the s2&p. Continue ,order chart 2 /or remainin! 12 stitches. Once memori1ed ou won5t need the di//erent charts. - had to chart * di//erent since the center stitch now disappears in the pattern. :or& row 1 on chart 1(2 and *. Continue the same wa /or the rest o/ the rows. Ed!e chart: :or& ed!e chart once. Bindo// on ri!ht side: 9se 2 strands o/ arn( purl 2( ?slip ,oth stitches ,ac& to le/t needle and purl 2 to!ether( purl 1. ? Cepeat within ?? until last stitch. Slip ,oth stitches ,ac& to le/t needle and purl 2 to!ether. Brea& arn and pull throu!h last stitch. Finishin!: :ea0e in ends. 6ut our shawl in lu&e warm water /or *0 min. Centri/u!e and ,loc& as a trian!le. 6lace a pin in the middle /lower petal and stretch e0enl ,etween e0er section. Eet the shawl dr completel ,e/ore unpinnin!. Finishin! words: - hope ou50e en2o ed &nittin! m /irst attempt o/ desi!nin! a pattern. -/ ou ha0e an comments( please /eel /ree to e3mail me: in/oFn or simpl lea0e a comment at m ra0elr pa!e. 6lease lin& our pro2ect on ra0elr and ta&e lots o/ photos( - lo0e seein! our FO5s. $$ "enn

Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

Cop ri!ht: "enn "ohnson "ohnen # http:$$www.n

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