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Report on PC Logo

I chose one of my cousins to try out the PC logo programming. She is a Year 4 student
from Sekolah Rendah Amar Pahlawan.

As she has never been exposed to this program before, so I have to show her the basic
commands that are usually used to make a drawing such as forward (fd), right turn (rt),
left turn (lt), clear screen (cs). I also show her how to draw a square using the commands
step by step. Then we try to draw another shape by asking her to give the commands that
I should type in to draw a rectangle.

Then I asked her to create a bigger square and she was able to draw it by using her own
commands. She just increased the number from fd 100 to fd 140. Then I asked her to
draw another shape and she draws a bigger rectangle. After the rectangle, I asked her to
draw other shapes like triangle but she was not able to create the instruction to draw it.
As a conclusion, it seems that she can only draw simple shapes that have been showed
but no confident to try to draw other shapes. Maybe she has a little knowledge on the
topic ‘angle’ and could not relate with this activity.

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