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Week 5 ATL Body Weight Complete for Time 30 GHD Sit-ups 50 Double Unders 30 Back Extensions 20 GHD Sit-ups

it-ups 50 Double Unders 20 Back Extensions 10 GHD Sit-ups 50 Double Unders 10 Back Extensions

Scoring: There will be a 9-minute time cap on this WOD. Athletes are to complete the above WOD as quickly as possible. For each remaining rep, 1 second will be added to the athletes score. Ex. 10 reps remaining = 9:10. The athlete with the fastest time will earn a team point. Movement Standards GHD Situps: To begin: Both of the athletes hands must start on the center post of the GHD. Bottom Position: Both of the athletes hands must touch the ground. Finishing Position:

Both of the athletes hands must return to the center post of the GHD. Double Unders: The rope must pass under the athlete 2x for a single jump. The athlete is allowed to jump in any combination but only the times where the rope passes 2x/jump will count as a rep. Attempts will not count as a rep. Back Extensions: Starting Position: Athlete is required to cross arms and place their forearms on their forehead. The movement begins with the athlete fully extended above the horizontal plane of the GHD. Bottom Position: Crossed arms must be simultaneously touching forehead and center post of the GHD. Finishing Position: The athlete returns to the fully extended position where the bottom arm must break the horizontal plane of the GHD. **The judges will be using the bottom forearm as the point at which must touch the center post at the bottom and must clear the horizontal plane of the GHD at the top.

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