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Formatting Instructions for Writing Conference Paper for SCES2014:

English is the working language of the Conference. Papers are to be limited to six (A4) sized pages only. Authors having papers (on acceptance) with excessive pages would be asked to limit up to six pages. Authors are expected to submit only their own original works. The paper should not have been submitted simultaneously to any other conference/journal. The Conference will be using the plagiarism check automated screening system to help verify originality of submitted papers. Manuscripts that violate IEEE's publication principles may be summarily rejected. If violation is deemed severe, then accordingly information may be reported to IEEE for disciplinary actions.

Use template for writing paper for SCES2014 available in the paper submission link at

Title should be meaningful and brief in 24 pt bold with times new roman font. Abstract should not exceed 150 words and should not contain equations, figures, table and citation to reference. It focuses on how it was done, principal results, and their significance. Abstract heading is bold italics with 9 pt and abstract body with only bold 9pt in times new roman font.

Body of the paper should be in 10 pt font. Equations should be written using Mathtype equation editor software. Avoid use of image for the equations.

Equation number should be at right hand side corner. For example (1)

There should be 6pt space below and above the equation. Circuit diagrams, block diagrams are to be drawn through Microsoft Visio preferably. Copy and paste of figure is highly prohibited.

Extra Care should be taken in order to ensure that conference paper will be free from grammar and spelling mistakes.

Figure caption should be written in the left hand side corner as Fig. 1 and not as Figure. 1, in 8pt with times new roman font.

Below the table and figure captions 6pt spacing is needed. For detailed instructions download the paper template from the link paper submission at
Use EasyChair Conference Management system for online paper submission at:
Authors will be required to log on to their account. New users will be required to create an account.

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