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SENATE BILL 1608 By Campfield

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapte !" Title 49, Chapte 8 and Title 49, Chapte 9, elati#e to $se of st$dent fees at p$%li& instit$tions of hi'he ed$&ation( BE IT ENACTE) B* T+E ,ENE-AL ASSE.BL* /0 T+E STATE /0 TENNESSEE1 SECTI/N 1( Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapte !, 2a t 1, is amended %y addin' the follo3in' lan'$a'e as a ne3, app op iately desi'nated se&tion1 At p$%li& instit$tions of hi'he ed$&ation, st$dent fees allo&ated fo st$dent o 'ani4ations to pay spea5e s to spea5 at o 'ani4ation f$n&tions shall %e di#ided and dist i%$ted p opo tionally %ased on mem%e ship to st$dent o 'ani4ations e6$estin' s$&h f$ndin'( SECTI/N 7( This a&t shall ta5e effe&t 8$ly 1,7014, the p$%li& 3elfa e e6$i in' it(

SB1608 010624 -1-

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