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Zernah Mapilisan #14 12/18/13

Are White lies okay (yes) Its okay to tell white lies. White lies are only tiny lies not huge lies.thats why I think white lies are okay. White lies are okay because you dont want to hurt the other persons feelings. What would happen if you are in a party and your friend comes in with wacky clothes, and your friend asks you how is it ! you are going to say its nice! because you dont want to hurt their feelings. this reminds me of when I told a white lie because I didnt want to hurt their feelings. "or e#ample its important to be kind to someone rather that telling the correct truth. Also, there can be polite lies that cant hurt the other persons feelings. $ane "rank, a %ew &ork 'ity psychologist says that most of the time being kind to someone is more important not hurt the other persons feelings!. (hink about it, white lies should be okay, why because its important being kind to someone rather than telling the absolute truth that will hurt will hurt the other persons feeling.

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