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Paul Rand I. Introduction A. Paul Rand was one of the first pioneering graphic designers.

He had many accomplishments that greatly advanced the field of graphic design. He filled in the communication gap between artists and businessmen. He turned graphic design into a respectable career. Early Life and Education A. Early Life 1. Paul Rand was born Peretz Rosenbaum on August 15, 1914 2. He was born into a strict Orthodox Jewish home, which created problems for his interests in art 3. Pauls Father didnt think that art was a sufficient way to make a living 4. Paul was convinced that he wanted to be a graphic designer so while he was in high school he also attended Pratt Institute 5. At this point in history art schools mainly focused on fine arts and if people were not good enough for the fine art field, then they would be bumped down to commercial artists 6. Because the commercial arts schools were not very established yet Paul was mainly self taught B. Places of education 1. Pratt Institute (1929-1932), 2. Parsons School of Design (1932-1933) 3. Art Students League (1933-1934) Contributions A. Statements from Others 1. He almost singlehandedly convinced business that design was an effective tool. [. . .] Anyone designing in the 1950s and 1960s owed much to Rand, who largely made it possible for us to work. He more than anyone else made the profession reputable. We went from being commercial artists to being graphic designers largely on his merits. - Louis Danziger B. Pauls Influential Thoughts 1. He used the idea of underlying connections and defamiliarizing the ordinary C. Other 1. He changed the face of graphic design from an overlooked craft to a profession 2. He was a graphic designer before the term graphic design was used 3. He didnt have a true style that he stuck to because each project has the need for its own unique style to solve its design style



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