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Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources "9th Amendment." Legal Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. <>.

This source was a piece of the 9th Amendment from the U.S. Constitution. We used it because Kevorkian had made many references in his interviews. It's reliable because it is from the U.S. Constitution. It was useful to us, because we used it as evidence to prove the rights of the patients when choosing euthanasia. Alberto R. Gonzales v. Oregon. 554 S. Ct. Supreme Court of the US. 2006. Oyez IIT ChicagoKent College of Law. IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>. This source was a court case involving the use of Controlled Substances in physician-assisted suicide. It showed why some methods of killing were legal and some were not. The source is a case from the U.S Goverment Supreme Court, so it is trustable. Also, the site the source was found on was a unversity site. It was useful because I found out why Kevorkian wasn't arrested when he first used the Mercitron, which was because he didn't use a controlled substance. It gave a new side to the laws that were involved and how Kevorkian avoided getting arrested. Gupta, Sanjay. "Kevorkian: 'I Have No Regrets.'" CNN Health. Turner Broadcasting System, n.d. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. <>. This source was an interview between Dr.Jack Kevorkian and Dr.Sanjay Gupta. They addressed topics such as the 9th amendment and how it affeccted Kevorkian's decisions and what

"terminal" means in these cases. I know its reliable because both the interviewer and the interviewee are highly trained physicians that are experts in their field. Also, the author Dr.Gupta is a medical reporter and is well experienced in this field and topic. This source was useful because Kevorkian goes into the process and the requirements needed for a patients requesting assisted suicide. In addition, he explains his how the 9th amendment ties in with euthanasia. Hatch. S.Rept. 105-372-Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act. Senate Report no. 105-372. N.p.: n.p., 1998. Congress. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>. This source was a Senate report involving the Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act. It gave the laws surrounding this and how they were affected and they affected other laws. I can trust this source because the author is a member of the Judiciary Committee, run by the U.S. Government. Also, the site is published by the Library of Congress, which is one of the sites recommended by the school to use to find sources. This was useful because now I know what laws are involved with assisted suicide. It gives a better perspective on the rights side to the topic. Kevorkian, Jack. "The Kevorkian Verdict." PBS. WGBH Educational Foundation, n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. <>. This source was a transcript of Kevorkian's court hearing. It gives word by word exactly what what was said during the hearing. The claims made during the hearing is supported by other sources. The author is trustable because he is and experienced pysician that is well known in his field. It was useful because this was the only place I could find the actual hearing. I also got to see what Kevorkian said during the case, and it helped me see what he felt about his hearing.

- - -. Prescription-Medicide:The Goodness of Planned Death. Buffalo: Prometheus, 1991. Print. This source was a book written by Kevorkian himself. It gave detailed descriptions on his procedures, what he used, who he was with, and how he did it. I know it is trustable because it was written by the man himself, the person who was actually there when it happened. Also, the information given is similar to other explanations he has given on other sources. It was useful because I got to see exactly what he used and why he chose some options over others. Another really useful piece of information was that he had his two sisters assist him when he went through the procedures. Kevorkian Interview. Pbs. N.p., 16 May 1996. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <>. This source is respectable because it is an interview with a primary person involved in our topic. The point was to get drama out of Jack Kevorkians story line. Although it has lots of facts to use and quotes. We used it for that reason. Its format is like a script. "Kevorkian Quotes." Search Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <>. Our 'author' is Jack Kevorkian- the main man in our topic- so he has lots of credentials for writing about euthanasia. His mission was to tell people of his beliefs. This source was very helpful because we could get into the mind of Jack Kevorkian himself. Which aided in our understanding of why he did things. You would have to know quite a bit about Kevorkian to understand what he is saying. There is an obvious bias due to the fact that Kevorkian made the strongest case of the debate of euthanasia. Right-to-Die Movement. The National Press Club. C-Span, n.d. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. <>. This source was a press

conference with Dr.Kevorkian. He covered everything from human experiments to his intentions and the patients intentions for choosing assisted suicide. I know this source is reliable because it's a video of Dr.Kevorkian himself, and his own thoughts and opinions. Also, the publisher of the source has experience with this topic from before. This source was useful because it introduced many new perspectives to euthanasia and the rights the physicians have. In addition, I got to hear Kevorkian's ideas and his thought process. Video: Conversation with Dr.Jack Kevorkian. CNN. Turner Broadcasting System, n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. <>. This source was an video interview of Jack Kevorkian. He was being asked on his viewpoints on euthanasia and how he thought he affected it. THe information is very reliable because the authors have a good reputation in their field. The video also comes from a well known news source and other sources support the information given. It was useful because I got to see what Jack Kevkorkian himself thought about physician assisted suicide, and what was going on through his head he preformed his procedures. It gave me a new viewpoint on the topic showed me a new side I didn't see before.

Secondary Sources "Adkins, Janet." Ascension Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. < &Itemid=173>. Ascension Health is a reliable source on the topic of Euthanasia because they have dealt with cases of assisted suicide. The goal of this news blurb was to inform you of Janet Adkins story in the euthanasia book. The format is a paragraph with a

header. And the genre is a non-fiction article. This source helps my topic because it informs us more on the start of our topic. The Atlantic. N.p., 3 June 2011. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. <'s-death-vanand-the-tech-of-assistded-suicide/239897>. The author of this article is a well respected writer at the Atlantic News paper. He has an expanse of experience in journalism. The goal of the article was to give your a widespread of the mechanics of Kevorkians vocation. This article helped us because it gave information on several different aspects. There is little required schema needed to understand this article. The author wasn't biased in any particular direction because he wrote about several different perspectives. Blewett, A., ed. "Montana Senate Bill 167 (2011)." The Protection of Concience Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source contains the euthanasia laws for Montana. It shows all the conditions a person must have to be able to choose assisted suicide. This source is reliable the entire site focuses on state laws and the links and sources in the article itself point to other useful pages. The I formation given is the same as a few other sources I have seen. I used this source to support my conclusion. It helped show what effects euthanasia had even after Kevorkian died and how our country changed. "Carbon Monoxide." Exblog. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <>. We used this source for an image on it. This picture depicts one of Kevorkians suicide machines. It helped us get a better understanding of how his methods worked and why it was controversial. It did not have a bias though as for images are left up to personal

interpretation. So therefore we but the bias on it in our project. You might need to have some medical knowledge or scientific knowledge to understand the labels in the image. "Chrononology of Dr. Jack Kevorkian's Life and Assisted Suicide Campaign." N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. <>. PBS is a credible source because it is filter by many news reporters. This source is relevant to our topic because it talks about Kevorkians early years. Specifically the time he was a pathologist and writing journals for medical forums. We used it to know what led him to assist in suicides. And also so we can find articles he wrote to further understand exactly where he was coming from. This article wasn't biased because it was only a timeline. Clair, Jane St. "30 Logical Arguments Against Assisted Suicide." The Compassionate Choice. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <>. This web site article was about the reaons why we should oppose euthanasia. It covered religious reasons, ethical reasons, and moral reasons. It is credible because the author of the site is an author who writes books about this topic, so she is well informed. Also, she had many previous jobs as a reporter also. This source was useful to me because it's the first source I have that opposes euthanasia. The 30 arguments were very helpful and I learned about new laws and rights. Davey, Monica. "Kevorkian Speaks After His Release From Prison." The New York Times. New York Times Company, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source was an article that was printed right after Kevorkian's release from prison. It explained how Kevorkian changed from before he was arrested, to how he was when he was released.

This source can be trusted because the New York Times has published many articles surrounding this topic and has done a lot of research about euthanasia and Kevorkian. In addition, the data in the site matches data in sources from subscription databases. I used a sound clip for the article to explain how rights were integrated in our topic. It was a clip of Kevorkian's speech and eluded be primary. Dore, Margaret. E-mail interview. 12 Jan. 2014. This source was an interview with Margaret Dore, an anti-euthanasia activist. This interview helped me see the other side of the euthanasia controversy. I know I can trust Ms. Dore, because she is an attorney and is the founder of Choice is an Illusion, an organization that works against the legalization of euthanasia. She has also published many articles and speaks at seminars about physicianassisted suicide. This source was useful because I could use it to support the argument against euthanasia. I discovered a few more perspectives and views on euthanasia. "Dr. Jack Kevorkian." Facts4u. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. <>. Rotten dot is a great website for reading about controversial topics, making it a great cite for reading about Jack Kevorkian. The goal was to inform you of the good Kevorkian contributed to society. But in the contrary it was also to inform you of the sinister acts not many know of. This source let us into the mind of Kevorkian by showing us his art work (morbid art might I add) and also his reasons for his actions. This piece was biased in many ways. But since it had multiple biased it played an even field. "Dr. Jack Kevorkian Died at 83." CNN. N.p., 3 June 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. CNN is a well trusted source. It's well known and so then you know that it must be a reliable way people

here about news. The authors purpose was to inform you about Kevorkian's death. The genre is a nonfiction article obituary. The knowledge expected of the reader is basic knowledge of knowing how to read. The article explains to you Kevorkian's impact on society so you have background knowledge on your topic. Enouen, Susan W. "Oregon's Euthanasia Law." Life Issues Institute, Inc. Life Issues Institute, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source was an article that was written when the "Death with Dignity" law was passed in Washington State. It explained how Washington became the second state in the U.S. to legalize euthanasia. I can trust that this source is reliable because it is an article published by Seattle Times, which is a well known respected newspaper in Washington. Also, the author of the article has written other articles surrounding the topic, and the data is similar to the data in subscription database sources. I found this source useful because I use direct quotes from it to support my conclusion. Also, I was able to use it as evidence to show how euthanasia changed over the years. "Euthanasia-Oregon's Euthanasia Laws." JRank. Net Industries, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source was an outline of Oregon's euthanasia laws. It described all the conditions you needed to meet to be able to choose euthanasia. It is trustable because the site has multiple links that point to other trustable sources I had used previously before. Then information is valid also, because it is similar to previous subscription database sources. I used this to give evidence to my conclusion. Also, I used it to show what the effects Kevorkian's work had.

Hogeland, Anna. "Vermont Assisted Suicide Bill: Vermont Gives Euthanasia the Green Light." Policy Mic. Mic Network, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source was about how Vermont became the fourth state in the U.S. to legalize euthanasia. It also went into what conditions you had to follow if you wanted to choose euthanasia. This source is reliable because the author of the web page has written other articles about this topic. She has also conducted a lot of research around the topic and is well informed about it. I used this to show what effects Kevorkian had after the event. I used quotes from the page to support my conclusion and used it as evidence. Hyde, Justin. "Kevorkian Guilty of Murder." Associated Press [Pontiac] 27 Mar. 1999: n. pag. Yahoo! News. Web. 3 Nov. 2013. <>. This gave an overview of what happened during Kevorkian's court case. It gave me a description of what went on on both sides and what diffrerent opinions people had. I found this source on a database, which means it has high chance of credibility. Also, when I looked into the publishers backround, I found out they have published nonfiction books, whicho shows they have access to credible information. This source was useful because I got to see how Kevorkian reacted and what his thoughts were. It also showed how Kevorkian had an inpact and how his work affected the world. "Jack Kevorkian." Britannica School. N.p.: n.p., 2013. N. pag. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. Web. 24 Oct. 2013. <>. This source gave me a detailed overview of Jack Kevorkian's life. It told me how he became who he was and who in his life affected him. This source is from a database, so I can trust that the information from it is credible.

In additon, the data is originally from an encyclopedia, so it is very trustable. It was useful because I could get an idea of who Jack Kevorkian was and his life was. Also, it showed how he developed over the years making euthanasia a national controversy. "Jack Kevorkian." Passive Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. <>. This source is from a euthanasia organization website which tells us that they have a lot of knowledge on our topic. We used it to get a picture of Kevorkian with his death machine. But it also told us a lot about the contraption. Things like the cost, where the idea came from to build it, and other various facts about it. The goal of the article was more abstract. It was to let you create your own opinion on euthanasia. "Jack Kevorkian Biography." Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. <>. This source was extremely helpful. It was probably our most used source. The purpose of the article was inform people-in detail- about Kevorkians life. It has links to other information about euthanasia in the 90's too. You don't need any prior knowledge to read this article other than having the ability to read. The website we found the article on is also credible and used a lot in school. Kavanaugh, Frank. E-mail interview. 18 Dec. 2013. This interview was with Frank Kavanaugh, a board member of Final Exit. Final Exit is an organization supporting euthanasia. I can trust Mr.Kavanaugh, because he has a Ph.D and has worked 40 years at an university. Also, on the Final Exit website, he is the one that answers your questions about euthanasia. This source was very useful because I learned many new things and saw more

sides to my topic. When I found out that there are several types of euthanasia, I learned that the rights and respoonsibilities surrounding each one was different. Kevorkian, Jack. "The Fundus Oculi and the Determination of Death." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source was a journal written by Jack Kevorkian. It was a report describing his process as he photographed peoples eyes at the exact moment of death. This was reliable because the site is published by the National Library of Medicine, and has entire medical journals available on it. In addition, many medical organizations support this site. We used this source to introduce how Kevorkian started his vocation in euthanasia. We also used it to show how Kevorkian got interested in death and how he experimented with patients. "Kevorkian Case: Kevorkian Trial Set." CNN. N.p., 31 Dec. 2007. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. < US>. CNN is a well informed source on euthanasia because they did in-depth research. Their goal was to inform the reader of the court rulings Kevorkian has gone through and why he has had them. The genre was a non-fiction article/periodical. You don't need too much knowledge to read this article, only a small amount about courts and Kevorkians. We used it to understand more about a specific case he was in. "A Kevorkian Timeline." Angel of Fire. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. The author is unkown, and the credentials are also unknown. But the information matches up with everything else we have read. Angel Fire is similar to Weebly because it is a way to create a free website. The purpose of the webpage is to inform someone of the chronological order of

Kevorkians trials. The cite doesn't really have a format other than a bulleted list. The author wasn't biased either. Knickerbocker, Brad. "Montana Becomes Third State to Legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide." The Christian Science Monitor. Christian Science Monitor, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source was published when Montana became the the third state to legalize euthanasia in the United States. It showed the comparison between Oregon's euthanasia laws and Montana's laws. This source is reliable because the dats is well researched and clear. Also, the author has a wide range of knowledge surrounding this topic and has written other articles about it. I used this source to show the after effects of Kevorkian's work. It gave a lot of usable evidence and also used the image in the article to support my conclusion. Marriana. Blurred lights, black and white. Tumblr. N.p., 16 June 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <>. This image is off of a Tumblr page. So it isn't a credible source. Except we didn't use it for our thesis, we used it for our back drop on our website. The purpose for this source was to enhance our 'A Gray Area' theme. "Montana." Patients Rights Council. Patients Rights Council, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source explains how Montana became the third state to legalize euthanasia. It also explains the previous attempts people took to legalize euthanasia before it was finally legalized. It was useful because there were court cases and reports that we used to better our knowledge about the process. Also, there we saw the event that took place while Montana tried to legalize

euthanasia. It's reliable because the links point to other trustable sites that I have used for other sources. Also, pages offer a lot of useful primary sources that we can use. "Patients Helped to Die by Dr. Jack Kevorkian." Final Exit. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. <>. This source was a list of Kevorkian's patients, along with their diseases, age, and sex. The patients where listed in chronological order, from Kevorkian's first patient Janet Adkins to his most recent patient at this time the source was created, Joseph Tushkowski. The information is clear and well researched, and the site itself was created by Derek Humphry, a famous euthanasia advocate. Humphry has also published numerous books about physicianassisted suicide, and is the founder of the Hemlock Society, a pro euthanasia organization. This useful because we were able to use the data given to create graphs and charts to visually support our thesis. It also showed the kind of people Kevorkian would assist, and whose their situations were. Rosenbaum, Ron. "Angel of Death: The Trial of the Suicide Doctor." Vanity Fair. N.p., May 1991. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. <>. The author of this article hasn't written much for Vanity Fair (the webpage we found the article is on) but the reviews for his work are phenomenal. The authors purpose was to explain the start of Jack Kevorkians assisted-suicide career. It was also to tell the story of Janet Adkins. Since the topic is the start of Kevorkian, you don't need any background knowledge to be able to understand the article. The genre is a periodical because it was published in the time the topic happened. Schneider, Keith. "Dr. Jack Kevokrian Dies at 83; A Doctor Who Helped End Lives." New York Times. N.p., 3 June 2011. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

<>. This source is credible because the New York Times have lots of research done on Kevorkian and euthanasia. The goal of this article is to explain how Kevorkian died. There wasn't any bias in this article. We used it for the purpose of explaining the close of the decade of assisted suicides. Torr, James D., ed. Euthanasia: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000. Print. This book gave a lot of different viewpoints on physician assisted suicide and whether it was right or not. It also went into the history of euthanasia and how it affected other countries, not just the United States. I know that this book is reliable because the editor has edited many books realting to this topic. He is an expert regarding universal controversies, inluding assisted suicide. I found this source useful because many physicians and experts had different perspectives on this topic, both for and against. Also, I learned that there were many organizations and societies surrounding euthanasia. Tu, Janet I. "'Death with Dignity' Act Passes." The Seattle Times. Seattle Times Company, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This article was about how the Death with Dignity act passed in Washington State. It showed how Washington became the second state to legalize euthanasia in the U.S. and how citizens thought of the new law. I know I can trust this site because the Seattle Times is a well known respected newspaper in Washington. The author has thoroughly researched the topic and has data that is the same as the one I have previously seen from subscription databases. The author has written other articles about this as well. This source was useful

because I was able use information from it to support my conclusion. It gave me the evidence I needed and I was able to use direct quotes from it. United States. Cong. House. Oregon's Death with Dignity Act and Euthanasia in the Netherlands: Factual Disputes 2004. Washington: GPO. Vermont State Legislature. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. <>. This source explained Oregon's Death by Dignity Laws. It went into detail about how the laws were created and how they were used. This source can be trusted because it was created by a government group. The website that had the source was created by the Vermont State Legislature. I used direct quotes from this source to support my conclusion. I also used it as evidence to show how my topic changed over time. "Weak but Defiant, Kevorkian Continues Jailhouse Hunger Strike." NYTimes. N.p., 8 Dec. 1993. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <>. The New York Times is a well established and credited newspaper publisher. The mission of the article written was to tell the general public about Kevorkian's ordeals in prison. It was also slightly biased because it was speaking of how much he is suffering while trying to prove his point that assisted suicide should be legal. The format is just your basic run-of-the-mill article you would find anywhere else. You don't need too much knowledge to read this article. Only enough to know who Kevorkian is and what he has done. "Women Mostly Sought Kevorkian's Help To Die." United Press International: n. pag. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. <>. This source gave me a lot of statistics and a view of Kevorkian's work in numbers. It showed me the

percentages and rates of his patients and how it changed over the years. I know that this source is credible because the newspaper it came from is known for reliable information. In addition the source came from a database, so I know it is highly trusatable.This source was useful because it gave Dr.Dragovic's opinion on Kevorkian, and Dragovic performed autopsies on a few of Kevorkian's patients. Also, it showed how the controversy and Kevorkian's work developed over time. "World: Americas 'Dr.Death' Convicted of Murder." N.p., 27 Mar. 1999. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. <>. BBC News is a reliable source because they got their information from a direct interview with Jack Kevorkian. This article is slightly biased though because of their adjectives and other descriptor words. The authors intent for this article was to give people an ordered list of Kevorkians killings and court trials related to them. You did need some knowledge to read this article. I would say it wasn't meant for anyone below Junior high. We used it to help formulate our timeline. Young, Mitchell, ed. Euthanasia. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2007. Print. This book is about Kevorkian's court cases and what happened with each of his patients. It gives very detailed descriptions, and has the names and diseases of his patients. I can trust that this is reliable because of the famous story of Janet Adkins, Kevokian's first patient. I compared the events to the events that Kevorkian witnessed and recorded in the his book, "Prescription Medicide: The Goodness of Planned Death" and the events matched up. This source was useful because it had letter interactions between Kevorkian and his patients. It also included a few interviews with the patients of Kevorkian.

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