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SHIFT National Conference:

Adaptation & Climate Change

Monday 17h February 2014

Morning session Chairs welcome Andrew Eagles, Managing Director, Sustainable Homes Opening address: Climate-proof housing; Preparing for an uncertain future Professor Chris Rapley CBE, Chair, London Climate Change Partnership Latest flood risk maps and how you can help prepare for higher volumes of surface water run off Tim Reeder, Regional Climate Change Programme Manager, Environment Agency Saving water in homes: steps you can take and findings from new water saving device trials Tim Robertson, Managing Director, Save Water Save Money Ltd. COFFEE BREAK SHIFT member case study: What we are doing to manage the risk of flooding. Debbie Harvey, Sustainability Projects Officer, Orbit Group Workshop 1 Have we accurately identified those homes at risk? LUNCH



10:25 10:50 11:15 11:35 12:00 12:40

Afternoon session Improving the climatic resilience of stock: preparing for an increase in heatwaves. Briony Turner, PhD researcher, Kings College London Understanding your needs for the year- SHIFT events, locations, topics & workshop structures. Whats most useful to you? COFFEE BREAK Adaptation measures in retrofit: making the business case & the dos and donts workshops & your thoughts. Richard Lupo, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Sustainable Homes The impacts of ECO changes and what it means for fuel poverty Andrew Eagles, Managing Director, Sustainable Homes CLOSE


13:55 14:20 14:40 15:20 16:00

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