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Guide children in family unity. A family being together in happy and peaceful EXAMPLE: if parent would have been home, children would have done homework instead of going outside to play. Support their child academic growth. Know your child academic strengths and weaknesses. Express concerns with the teacher and be a partner in the school

Parental Guidance Help to fill in the gaps for students who need parental guidance Make them interest in education Able to help a child better understand difficult subjects can increase the level of interest in education. Make learning more enjoyable for students. Academic Achievemen Teacher offer incentives for high test scores and good grades Through incentives and encouragement, teachers influence a teens desire to reach higher academic goals.


Feedback and advice. listen and give you feedback as you try out new ideas, explore belief, and discuss problems. Peers can help you make decisions Encouragement. Encourage you to work hard, help teens study, listen and support you when you're upset or troubled. Can be role models! EXAMPLE: Peers compete in the Olympics, give a piano concert, or spearhead a community project might inspire you to go after a dream of your own. Influence teens to be more goal-oriented

Media makes the lives of teenagers at ease. EXAMPLE: The internet, has facilitated teenagers to find the information they want faster and in a more accessible approach. Media can be effectively used to generate awareness amongst teenagers EXAMPLE: about issues like sex, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, drugs, alcohol and smoking.

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