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TORA INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION The TORA software is written for the IBM/PC/XT/AT and true compatible.

It requires 512K RAM and MS-DOS 3.2 or higher. The software uses the notation and procedures developed in: TAHA, H., OPERATIONS RESEARCH:AN INTRODUCTION, 6/e, Prentice Hall, 1997. TORA can be executed from the floppy drive (a: or b:) or from the hard disk (c:). A hard disk is recommended. DISKETTE CONTENTS: readme.doc tora.exe 11 example-data files (*.or) taken from OPERATIONS RESEARCH 6/e INSTALLATION ON HARD DISK: Make a separate directory named TORA (or any other name of your choice) and copy all the contents of this diskette into the created directory. STEP-BY-STEP HARD DISK INSTALLATION: 1. Turn on the computer. 2. Make new directory named TORA: At the DOS prompt C:>, type md TORA and press ENTER (or RETURN) key. 3. At the DOS prompt C:>, type cd TORA and press ENTER. 4. Place the TORA diskette in the 3.5" (or 5.25") drive (A or B). 5. At the DOS prompt C:\TORA>, type copy a:\TORA\*.* (if diskette is in drive A) copy b:\TORA\*.* (if diskette is in drive B) and press ENTER. 6. The installation is now complete. EXECUTION: To execute TORA from the directory in which it is installed, type TORA and then press ENTER. The software is totally menu driven and hence requires no instruction manual. The first time you execute TORA, you will be asked if you are using a color monitor. The answer to this question (y or n) is automatically stored in the TORA working directory in a file named COLOR.COD. If you wish to change the color mode, simply erase the file COLOR.COD by using the DOS command ERASE COLOR.COD. TESTING: TORA has a total of 8 modules: Linear programming Transportation Networks Integer programming Queueing Histogramming/forecasting Inventory Each module (with the exception of INVENTORY) has one or more

example models stored in files with obvious descriptive names suffixed with .OR (e.g., LP.OR is a linear programming model). All the examples are taken from the textbook. These files follow a special format created by the TORA editor and may be accessed by entering the file name at the proper prompt from TORA. The list of file names may also be accessed by entering *.OR for the file name or simply by pressing ENTER. In this case, a directory will be displayed and the desired file is chosen by moving the reverse video bar to the proper location and then pressing ENTER. All modules accept the entry of new problems through the use of a custom-tailored editor. The commands of the special editor will be displayed at the top of the edit screen at all times during the editing session. COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES: If you have any comments or questions about this software, please direct them to the author at the address below: Dr. Hamdy A. Taha Bell 4207 Department of Industrial Engineering University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA Tel: (501) 575-6031 Fax: (501) 575-8431 e-mail:

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