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Date: 6th January 2014(Monday) Class / Time : 2A(12.10-1.10), 2F(4.00-5.

00) Focus : listening and speaking Themes : world of self Topic / unit : 1 Content standard : 1.2 Learning standard : 1.2.2. Able to listen and follow a) simple instructions in the classroom Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to understand simple classroom instructions. Activities : 1. Get pupils to follow a sequence of actions Reach to the sky one two, touch your toes one two, bend to the left one two etc. 2. Revise with pupils the classroom language they learnt last week. 3. Introduce few more sentence patterns on classroom language. Bring me the... 4. Play the Bring me the .... game. 5. Pupils copy a few sentences in their exercise books.

Educational Emphases : values for citizenship Reflection :

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