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Devan Annan Student Teaching Goals 1. To learn better ways to get attention.

How can I get students attention when there are things on their desks or around the room? How do I get students to focus on me? During my student teaching I was to learn different ways of getting and keeping students attention at both the elementary age level and the middle school lever. 2. Being crystal clear. I want to get better at keeping students in the know. Let them know what exactly we are doing and why. Let them know how activities relate to the whole picture. My goal is to be crystal clear to avoid confusion in directions and activities. 3. To become comfortable and efficient using the technology in the classroom. Using the SmartBoard, ipads, desktops and other technology that can benefit me in the classroom. 4. Behavior management. Learn how to set boundaries and follow through with them. Learn how to be stricter to keep students from disturbing others and the learning environment. Classroom management and behavioral management. 5. Transitions. I want to learn have been introductions and conclusions. How do I engage students before the lesson and review knowledge learned for the conclusions? My goal is to keep working on my transitions so lessons are well rounded from beginning to end.

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