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Human Basic Needs

Basic Needs of Human

Living things have basic needs. The basic needs of humans are :
1. 2. 3. 4. Food Water Air Shelter

Humans cannot stay alive without these basic needs.

Food gives energy and helps us grow. We need energy to walk, play, and do work.

It makes up about 70% of the weight of the human body. We need to drink about eight glasses of water a day. Water can be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Water helps to maintain body temperature.

Long ago humans live in cave. A shelter is a place where human live. The shelter protects humans from danger, the sun, and the rain. Nowadays, humans build many types of shelter.

Humans cannot breath in water. Humans need air to breathe all the time.



Basic Needs of Human



d) To carry waste substances out of the body in the form of urine and sweat

a) To maintain the body temperature

Why does the body need water?

c) To carry nutrients to different parts of the body.

b) To break down the food that we eat


Answer the question below.

1. State the four basic needs of humans.
a) ___________________ b) ___________________ c) ____________________ d) ____________________

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

a) _________________ gives us nutrients to make us grow and stay healthy. b) _________________ helps to maintain the body temperature. c) We need _______________ to stay alive because it contains oxygen. d) A _________________ protects us from bad weather and other dangers.

Vocabulary for today :

Danger Cannot breathe Urine Sweat Nutrient Body temperature

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