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A.M. No.


July 25, 1975

FERMINA LEGASPI DAROY, LYDIA LEGASPI and AGRIPINO LEGASPI, complainants, vs. ATTORNEY RAMON CHAVES LEGASPI, respondent. Facts: The respondent signed as counsel for the complainants to represent them in an in terstate proceeding for the settlement of estate. After the land was sold, he acted in bad faith in withdrawing the money, receivi ng the sum of 4,000.00, which is the share of her client, Fermina et al. He concealed the fact from the complainants. It was also made to appear that res pondent Legaspi was one of the heir when, obviously, he did not possess that sta tus. With these facts, the complainants charged the respondent with malpractice for h aving misappropriated the sum he had collected for them. They prayed that the respondent be disbarred. Issue: Whether or not the respondent paid the money to his clients. Whether or not Atty. Legaspi is guilty of malpractice.

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