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BBC Learning English Words in the News

Dealing with Venezuela's food crisis 27 September 2013

The Venezuelan government has announced new economic measures to tackle the country's shortages of essential goods, such as flour, milk and toilet paper. Earlier this month, the economy minister Nelson Merentes admitted that the economic policies of late President Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro were not successful. BBC Reporter: Irene Caselli

It's become common for Venezuelans to go to different supermarkets in order to buy all the items on their shopping list. Central bank figures show that out of 100 basic products, 20 are not available.

With Christmas coming, the Venezuelan authorities are worried shortages may increase. The vice-president, Jorge Arreaza, said the government was going to ensure that citizens have access to food, toys and artificial trees in order to celebrate during their holidays.

The government accuses businessmen of holding back basic products in order to force customers to buy more expensive alternatives. President Nicolas Maduro has set up a telephone hotline, 0-800-SABOTAGE, for Venezuelans to report on such illegal activities.

But analysts say cutting red tape to facilitate imports is too little, too late. They blame shortages on the government's currency controls and inadequate domestic production of staples.

Words in the News

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Vocabulary and definitions

in order to to ensure citizens

so that (something can happen) to make sure something happens people who are legally members of a particular country

artificial holding back sabotage red tape

man-made; a copy of something natural (here) not giving intentionally to stop something happening rules, processes and documents that seem to cause unnecessary delay


basic products that people eat or use regularly

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Words in the News

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