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Engineering, perfect partnership between physics and his own potential record ma n's greatest achievements created out

of necessity. affected with technology bu ilt to endure the test of time the world is ultimately these creations some sys tem landline some promoting at moment engeneering is a complex mysterious an ing enious idea want to live plan pension machines used to do machines some some hja ve limited purpose superseded by new idea but every so often that idea becomes a mechanical masterpiece one that cannot be surpassed in cannot be made redundant by ne design. The two-stroke engine is one such masterpiece. Its had a weight ratio is superior 30 percent higher than the equivalent capacy ti for string ints naturally aspirated needed no assitence from the excel arena pumping fuel injection it achieves a full power cycled jus two stikes its pisto n iductions compression combustion and exhaust the are no valves controlloing ea ch phase instead the piston reveals exhaust and intake ports said more soon the piston travel ats the scene like a surrey used during a refueling to the in cas e through when larry now tis an organic exchanges vacuuming pressures the piston pumps feeling into the civilian. Intake ports directly press chargo to the cyli nderr head wolcome busted guess is venting simultaneously through the tools for at 10,000 rpm the spark plug nights 166 contained explosions yeah if the second k it is trying to teach is rated combustion thanks to exhaust being shaped like a musical instrument it highnesses sound waves emitted from combustion and refle ct to back to all the eggs is 42 momentarily reverse the flow yes this forces

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