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League of Legends Basic Setup and Keymap Guide

By: KingZi0n - v1.0

This guide will show you how to use the Peregrine Glove in League of Legends. If the Peregrine is used ro erly you will e! erien"e greater fo"us# in"reased inga$e awareness# and %ui"&er rea"tion ti$e with the a'ility to trigger a'ilities and ite$s $ore easily. ( study on using the Peregrine in League of Legends $easured over 1#000#000 a"tions with ) di*erent ga$ers and showed an (P+ in"rease of ), - -0, over traditional interfa"es# de ending on the user. .esults will vary# 'ut 'ased on "ountless hours of 'attle tested ga$e lay e! erien"e we are "on/dent that the Peregrine will give you an edge0 DOWNLOAD LoL_Basic.pkf This 'asi" layout is ideal for $ost lay styles and is "overed in this guide. Load the &ey$a through the 1Pro/les --2 3ew4 o tion in GloveBo!. Thumb Tip Thumb Fat a!m

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Abi!ities The hot&eys "W#$ are la"ed on your Thu$' Ti Pad to /ngerti Tou"hPoints# roviding ultra fast a""ess to your 5ero ('ilities. 6u$$oner ('ilities triggered 'y %D& and %F& are la"ed dire"tly 'elow %W& and %#&. If you so$eti$es a""identally trigger 6u$$oner ('ilities when trying to hit %W& or %#&# try "ali'rating the Tou"hPoints for the 6u$$oner ('ilities to 'e a 'it lower or even $ove the$ down a Tou"hPoint. 7! eri$ent to see what wor&s 'est for you. The Thu$'Ti layout 'elow highlights 8ha$ ion and 6u$$oner ('ility lo"ations for (she and gives a "loser loo& at the "o$ lete Thu$'Ti layout.

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'tems 'tem S!ot ( is la"ed dire"tly 'elow the ointer /ngerti or %"&# $a&ing it ideal for %ui"& a"tivation in 'attle situations for ite$s li&e 9eath/re Gras . 'tem S!ot ) is lo"ated on the side of the $iddle /nger and is erfe"t for wards. :se it to la"e a %ui"& ;ision <ard to dete"t invisi'le "ha$ ions during 'attles. 'tem S!ots *+ , and - are la"ed along the 'ase of the ointer# $iddle and ring /ngers. If you don=t use lots of a"tivati'le ite$s you "an reassign these Tou"hPoints to di*erent hot&eys. The e!a$ le 'elow shows various ite$s assigned to ite$ slots# with the "ha$ ion having an addi"tion to otions > ro'a'ly Gragas?.

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.ont/o! and Othe/ Actions >Please refer to the layout i"tures on Page 1 as a referen"e for this se"tion? The Thu$' @at Pad is used for a %ui"& way to level u your hero a'ilities using .T$L0" et".# with the level u lo"ation $at"hing the 1A<7.4 layout on the Thu$' Ti 8onta"t Pad. The Thu$' @at has lots of versatility and you $ay want to $odify it for your lay style with "o$$ands su"h as "entering on your "ha$ ion# using ite$s# 'ringing u the $at"h stats# et". Attac1 and 2o!d are on the side of the ointer /nger. TAB for $at"h stats toggle is on the s$all /nger 'elow the /ngerti Tou"hPoint. The Pal$ Pad has G to toggle the ing "ursor ing# B for re"all# 3 to toggle the 'a"& ing "ursor# and S A.# to "enter the "a$era on your "ha$ ion. The Pal$ Pad is the 1 ani" ad4 and great for hot&eys you want to a"tivate %ui"&ly# so adBust it to your referen"e. 6o$e users $ay want to "hange it so instead of toggling the ing "ursor you Bust hold your /nger on the al$ ad and "li"& to ing. Summa/y This guide rovides a 'asi" Peregrine &ey$a layout for League of Legends 'ut is only a starting oint. (s you gain in-ga$e e! erien"e with the Peregrine Glove you $ay want to $odify the hot&eys of various Tou"hPoints to suit your lay style. Learn what feels $ost "o$forta'le for you and $a&e "hanges a""ordingly. Li&e any new devi"e# the Peregrine will ta&e so$e ra"ti"e to $aster. It will ta&e so$e adBust$ent to get used to ty ing with the Peregrine on# 'ut after several ga$es $ost users don=t noti"e. Cn"e you $aster the glove you will 'e gan&ing Tee$o faster than ever 'efore0 Than& you for reading this guide# we ho e you have a great ti$e with your Peregrine Glove. Please send "o$$ents# ideas and Peregrine stories to: infoDthe eregrine."o$ --- we would love to hear fro$ you0

The Peregrine Glove - Faster than a speeding Teemo

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