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Technical College in Bjelovar Mechatronics English language V Student: Zoran Dergez

Homewor !

Cutting metal with Plasma

"lasma #roces was develo#ed $rom the welding #rocess T%& 'Tungsten %nert &as() "lasma cutting is a ver* im#ortant #rocedure o$ cutting+ ,ecause the* can ,e cut all the material that the gas $lame can-t 'Cu+ .l+ Cr/0i steels+ cast iron+ etc )))() "rinci#le o$ cutting with #lasma is cutting materials with melting) 1or #lasma cutting the source o$ heat is electrical arc) "lasma is in the industrial use since !234) and is used $or cutting all inds o$ electroconductive metals) .ccording to this #rocedure+ mostl* is cuting material thic ness u# to 54 mm+ de#ending on the #ower o$ the #lasma device+ and can ,e used $or cutting thin material '! mm() Cutting s#eeds are ver* high+ ,ecause o$ that the #rocedure is ver* #roductive)

e* words: / / / #lasma electroconductive metals electrical arc

%n Bjelovar+ 46 7anuar* 84!6

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