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I introduced several herbs (information from the parent/teacher interviews revealed that smell was important to some children). We explored their smell, and learnt that some were used in cooking others were medicinal. Children shared their understanding of herbs and how they are used. Later children were invited to draw their favourite herb. This encouraged close observation of the plant, focus and concentration. Follow up with making tea and cooking with the herbs presented

One of my objectives for the fortnight was .. For the children begin to take responsibility in daily chores (fostering independence and a sense of belonging) - Children were invited to water the garden. This has encouraged children to talk about their own garden at home. - Children are delighting in taking responsibility in washing the brushes and are able to share this responsibility. - Children are beginning to learn how to pack their bag and fold their sheets after rest time. Some of the older children have already grasped this task and are managing it unassisted. I am very proud of all of their efforts.

Melting and freezing. Oscars frozen water bottle prompted an interesting insight into the childrens understanding of melting and freezing. Hence we conducted an experiment to consolidate what some children already knew, and provoke further thought for others who were not so sure about these concepts. We have continued to provide the ice in a play based activity so the children can continue to experience melting through play. (see photo polar bears and emperor penguins and ice blocks)

SUSTAINABILITY Some children were familiar with a compost . Children with scraps remembered that they could go to the worms. Investigation of the worm farm generated engagement for some time as Barb refreshed the worm farm. Reminding children regarding wise use of water needs to continue to reinforce this concept. Rubbish from the beach to be addressed next week.

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