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b is B at the start, at the end it becomes 'p' d is d at the start, at the end it becomes 't' g is g at the start, at the

end it becomes 'k' H h at the start is pronounced. at the end it's silent gehen, sehen (pronounced as geyen, zeyen) s at the start is alwasys 'zzss', s at the end is normal s If 's' is at the beginning of a syllable, it has the same 'zzss' sound. eg. lese n, besen (leSen, beSen) B(ss) is always without the 'zzss' sound. (eg. beiBen) 'B' vs 'ss' Whenever there is a 'B', the letter immediately before B is always prolonged/str etched (eg. staBe, heiBe, FuB, MaB) Before 'ss', it's short sp/st/sch shp/sht at the start (Spanien) Also, at the start of a new syllable, the same rule applies (bieSPiel) Aber: lispeln, because lis and peln are two separate syllables, so 'sp' are not together. st as scht at the start. at the end pronounced at 'st'. Exception similar to sp (eg. pfaster pronounced as pflas ter; s and t are separated here) v, w, f v usually an f (90% of the times) v as w for 10% times...for foreign words...(eg. vase, visage) w as v (include teeth) Z z is pronounced as 'ts' always At the start, above rule. In the middle, normally preceded by a 't', so just pro nounce an 's' instead of a 'z' (eg. blitzen) in the midddle German R: At the start of the word or a syllable, roll it (rechts). At the end of a syllab le, subtle R (morgen) German ch: after a, o, u: guttural sound (nacht, noch, buch) after i, e, l, n, r, , , , u, eu: pass air through the throat . Also, do this for 'c hen', if 'chen' is diminutive...chen makes something smaller (like iquita in spa nish) at the endings 'ig', pronounce by passing air. before an s: prnounced as x. (eg. sechs, achsel, fucks) exception: if 'ch' is followed by 'ste/sten' as in superlative case, pronounced by passing air. pronunciation of 'ig': ich at end of sentence (honig, knig)

followed by lich is ik (lediglich) followed by vowels, remains an ig (Knigin, wenige) followed by consonant, becomes ich (predigt) sch before t (tsch) becomes schu

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