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15 Favorite Books

1. Waiting for Godot-Samuel Beckett

2. A Confederacy of Dunces-John Kennedy Toole
3. Midnight's Children-Salman Rushdie
4. Beyond Good and Evil-Friedrich Nietzsche
5. The Picture of Dorian Gray-Oscar Wilde
6. The Castle-Franz Kafka
7. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting-Milan Kundera
8. Twilight of the Idols-Friedrich Nietzsche
9. Notes from Underground-Fyodor Dostoevsky
10. Capitalism and Schizophrenia- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
11. The Stranger-Albert Camus
12. White Noise-Don DeLillo
13. Being and Time-Martin Heidegger
14. The Bell Jar-Sylvia Plath
15. State of War- Ninotchka Rosca

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