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1.Does Staph toxin damage Skeletal and Heart Muscle in any way? My Answer- Not Directly.

Can affect in invasive disease,Toxic Shock 2. Principle reservoirs of pathogenic Staphs-1. Soil. Or 2, Water, or 3,Herbivores.4, Humans? My Answer-Humnas 3.Most cases of Gonorrhea occur at -1,18-24 y 2,24-26 y-My Answer 3,26-30 y 4, 30-35 y 4. Reservoir for N meningitides-Soil,Salt water,Humans,Domestic animals,Reptiles ? My ANSWER-Humans 5. Does Ionising radiation damage glassware or textile fibres? My Ans-Yes 6.Can MRSA cause deep seated infcetions? My Ans-No. 7.Clostridium sporogenes can cause gas gangrene/wet gangrene? My Ans No. Only pefringence,novyi,septicum and histolyticum can. 8. or

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