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Debating Affordable Housing: Inclusionary Zoning and Alternative Housing Strategies

An panel and open discussion hosted by the Planners Network NYC at Pratt Manhattan.

February 21st 6pm

As most New Yorkers will tell you, the lack of affordable housing is one of the formidable problems facing the city. Mayor de Blasio has promised to deliver 200,000 units of affordable housing over the next decade and is relying on mandatory inclusionary zoning to achieve that aim. But affordable housing in NYC is far from an open and shut case. Housing justice activists and scholars will address these questions at an open-discussion-style event: What is the state of affordable housing in New York? Could mandatory inclusionary zoning work? What are the other alternatives that the city could pursue? What would a more radical approach to affordable housing look like? Speakers from Picture the Homeless, Met Council, ANHD, and others Pratt Manhattan is located at 144 West 14th Street RSVP to:

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