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Sir Walter Raleigh sends John White to settle Roanoke

Jamestown, Virginia settled- John Smith

House of Burgesses & enslaved Africans

Plymouth, Mass is settled by PilgrimsWilliam Bradford helps create the Mayflower Compact Thomas Hooker joined other nearby settlements to form Connecticut.

Puritans settle Salem, Mass

John Winthrop & Puritans settle Mass Bay Colony Roger Williams established Rhode Island with the help of Anne Hutchinson

Lord Baltimore (Calverts) establish Maryland (Catholics)

Pequot War

Carolina is established

British take over New Netherland and became New York & New Jersey)

Quakers settle in New Jersey

King Phillips War

David Thomass fishing settlement joins with other settlements to form New Hampshire.

William Penn founded Pennsylvania (Quakers)

Penn was given a control of Delaware.

Carolina was split into 2 North Carolina & South Carolina

Georgia founded by James Oglethorpe & debtors

French & Indian war

Sir Walter Raleigh sends John White to settle Roanoke

Jamestown, Virginia settled- John Smith

House of Burgesses & enslaved Africans

Plymouth, Mass is settled by PilgrimsWilliam Bradford helps create the Mayflower Compact Thomas Hooker joined other nearby settlements to form Connecticut. British take over New Netherland and became New York & New Jersey)

Puritans settle Salem, Mass

John Winthrop & Puritans settle Mass Bay Colony Roger Williams established Rhode Island with the help of Anne Hutchinson

Lord Baltimore (Calverts) establish Maryland (Catholics) Carolina is established

Pequot War

Quakers settle in New Jersey

King Phillips War

David Thomass fishing settlement joins with other settlements to form New Hampshire.

William Penn founded Pennsylvania (Quakers)

Penn was given a control of Delaware.

Carolina was split into 2 North Carolina & South Carolina

Georgia founded by James Oglethorpe & debtors

French & Indian war

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