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Colorado State University Student, Jessica Cabrera, Wins Scholarship from the American Society for Training &

For Immediate Release Media Contact: Cami Best-Jones, ASTD, (Alexandria, VA), February 5 The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) announces that Jessica Cabrera, a student at the Colorado State University School of Education, and employee of the University of South Carolina College of Social Work, is a winner in the societys 2014 scholarship program. ASTDs John Con Scholarship program recognizes eligible post-secondary students studying the human resource development field. ASTD awards six one-year membership scholarships and one scholarship for a student to attend the societys annual conference, the premier event in the training industry. The scholarships provide winners access to research, content, and resources relevant to the training and development profession. ASTDs mission is to empower professionals to develop knowledge and skills successfully, and that mission extends to students our future practitioners, says Cami Best-Jones, manager of ASTDs Higher Education Community. Research shows that membership in professional associations is correlated with career success, and ASTD is proud to award these scholarships to seven deserving students. The other scholarship winners include: Courtney Bronson, The George Washington University; Hae Na Kim, The Ohio State University; Tommy Leblanc-Beaudoin, The George Washington University; Angelica Sogor, Johns Hopkins University; Ivy Toh, Griffith University; Xi Yu, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. The John Con Scholarship was established by one of ASTDs most respected members, John Con, who champions the professional development of students seeking to enter the training and development field. About ASTD ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the worlds largest professional association dedicated to the training and development field. In more than 100 countries, ASTDs members work in organizations of all sizes, in the private and public sectors, as independent consultants, and as suppliers. Members connect locally in 120 U.S. chapters and with 10 international strategic partners. ASTD started in 1943 and in recent years has widened the professions focus to align learning and performance to organizational results, and is a sought-after voice on critical public policy issues. For more information, visit

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