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Purity of Faith: The Story of Maryam Quiz Circle the right answer: 5 questions 1. What number is surah Maryam?

A. 19 B. 29 C. 30 2. What is the name of Maryams guardian? A. Abu Tayyeb B. Zackarriya C. Aziz 3. Where was Maryam born? A. Jerusalem B. Israel C. Tajikistan 4. Where did Maryam spend most of her adult life? A. Temple B. The mall C. At home 5. What was the object used to throw into the water? A. Books B. Pens C. People

True or false: 5 questions 1. Maryam conceived Isa miraculously without a husband. 2. Historians and Scholars say that angel Jibreel breathed unto Maryam and caused her to become pregnant and conceived a blessed baby. 3. During her pregnancy Maryam was in pain both physically and emotionally. 4. Allah protected her from the people (gossip, hatred, envyect) and helped her through her hardships. 5. Ibn Abbas narrated that Rasoolullah said, The best four women in Jannah are Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Imran and Asia bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh

Short/ long answer questions: 5 questions 1. What is one reflection that you can make on this lesson? 2. Why did God gift them with a daughter? 3. How did the priests decided on a guardian amongst themselves? 4. According to historians and scholars, how did Maryam fall pregnant? 5. What was the miracle bestowed upon Maryam? Fill in the blanks: 5 questions 1. Isa (PBUH) was the son of ________ and was appointed by _____ to ______. 2. _________ was appointed as Maryams guardian 3. _________ was the name of the angel that appeared in the form of a man to Maryam

4. It was considered to be an _________ to be guardian to Maryam. 5. All prophets come from the same bloodline starting with ______ and ending with _________. Matching: 5 questions 1. What were the names of Maryams parents? 2. The son of Maryam (Prophet Isa - PBUH) was a_____________. 3. Which amongst the priest had their stick in the river going in the opposite direction 4. According to Rasoolullah, the best four women in Jannah are 5. Maryam (PBUH) no ________ with any man. A. Relationship B. Imran & Hannah C. Khadeejah Binti Khuwailid, Faatimah Binti Muhammad, Maryam Binti Imraan and Aasiyah Binti Mazaahim the wife of Pharoah D. Prophet Zakkariya E. Blessing and miracle from Allah

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