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Nome: _________________________________ Serie: ________________ Data: ________

Leia o texto e responda:

My name is Akemi and this is my family. This elegant woman is my mother. Her name is Katia. She is
an architect. This little boy is my brother. His name is Kaique. Kaique is a good student. This is my
father. His name is Hideo. He is an electrical engineer. I think he is very intelligent.
My parents are Japanese, but my brother and I are American. My parents moved from Japan to the
USA 10 years ago. We live in San Francisco.
Source: In Action 5 TH grade Ana Goes and CrisGontow

1)Responda as perguntas:
a) Qual e o nome da menina?
b) Qual e o nome da me da menina?
c) Qual a profisso da me da menina??
d) Ela e elegante?
e) Akemi tem irmao?
2. Complete as sentenas de acordo com o texto.
a) Akemi has a little ______________________.
b) Kenji is a good ________________________.
c) _________________ is an elegant woman.
d) Hideo is ________________ intelligent.
e) Akemi and her family live in _________________________.
3.Complete com on, in ou under

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