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5 Total = Highly Regarded

1pt. for Originality The work is unique, seminal or prototypical. The work is not a carbon-copy, hand-medown or second-rate.

1pt. for Story The tale is compelling, interesting and well thought out. The tale is not pointless, trite and

1pt. for Art The art is dynamic, delineated and vibrant. The characters are professionally rendered:
symmetrical, anatomical and balanced.

1pt. for Grammar & Syntax The actual writing / dialogue is structurally sound. The words are not misspelled or mis-used; the sentences are clearly articulated; and the dialogue comma is used appropriately.

1pt. for Aesopica & Didacticism - The moral / point of the tale is clear and balanced (Maatic) with a focus
on Justice. There are no mixed messages in the work.

Mr. Yumy Odom is the curator of a most unique exhibit entitled The Heruic Age: Ten Thousand Years of Gods, Heroes, Amazons, Wizards & Warriors, inspired by over 35 years of researching, reading, imagining and collecting the myths and lore that connect the genre of modern sci-fi, superhero tales and comic books, bringing to the fore the undeniable link among all of the worlds myths, fables and folklore. His latest work is a 250-page web document entitled A Public Resource & Guide to the Epic Myth Continuum that outlines and contextualizes ten thousand years of ancient, modern and neo-mythology.

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