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Word Wiz List # 8


Root 1. hyper

Examples hyperventilate hypera!tive hyperextend


Visual Representation

more than

". hypo

hypothermia hypodermi! hypogly!emi!

under# less than

$. peri perimeter peris!ope %. pro protagonist protest pro&li'e (. syn syn!hronize synonym *. e!to e!toplasm e!tomorph +. endo endo!rine endomorph endodontist 8. re reread re,ind re!y!le reuse -a!) again ,ithin outside o' together# ali)e 'or around


.hree Examples

/arts o' 0pee!h

1e'inition o' 2NE 3n'amiliar Word

3n'amiliar Word 3sed in 0enten!e

Word Wiz List # 8 1. hyper hypera,are 5yperarid hyperaphia %. hypo hypothesis hypotheti!al hypothymia +. peri perimorph perimyelitis perimysia 16. pro protagorean protamin proposition 1$. syn synopsis synoptist synostosis 1*. e!to e!topagus E!tophyte e!topia 18. endo endo!rinomia endo!yst endoderm "". re repeat repute repot

ad4 ad4 noun noun ad4 noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun vernoun ver-

Name in'ormed# alert# !ons!ious supposed# pertaining to a state o' depression a !rystal o' one mineral en!losing that o' another mineral the a!t o' o''ering union o' separate -ones into a single -one a parasiti! plant gro,ing on an animal or another plant the innermost -ody tissue good name# pu-li! respe!t

0he ,as hypera,are o' the danger around her.

5e had very hypotheti!al reasoning nothing -ased on solid proo'.

/eople usually 'ind perimorphs deep underground.

Larry o''ered a proposition to solve the pro-lem -et,een his sons.

.here are surgeries that ,ill per'orm synostosis.

7ou ,ill 'ind e!tophytes every,here in the 'orest.

Most people do no )no, ,here the endoderm is lo!ated in your -ody.

5e had a very good repute in his !ommunity.

Word Wiz List # 8 Name REAL WORLD CHALLENGE9 :ind an un'amiliar ,ord 'ormed 'rom one o' our studied roots in the ,orld around you. Explain -oth the meaning and !ontext o' the ,ord.

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