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1. Late in the war, the Germans, retreating in the haste, left many of their prisoners go free. 2.

Eggshell was scattered around the spot where Humpty Dumpty felt to the ground. 3. The distraction gave Ethan, Tom Cruises character, jest enough time to complete his part of the plan. RULE #9: 4. Conscientious about the shoes she had on, her outfit was always on Bessies mind. 5. Parachuting over the Emerald City, the ant gasped in awe. 6. Scaling the fortress wall, the boiling oil scalded me. RULE #10: 7. Betty enjoys putting itching powder in Chips jockstrap, and Chip does not enjoy it. 8. It was raining out, but Sally brought her umbrella. 9. Jacob was excited, yet he got into Harvard. RULE #11: 10.Since its a beautiful day, Id just assume walk. 11.Whats your attitude on this years Grammy nominees? of them deserve to win? 12.I prefer science over math. RULE #12: 13.My mothers salary is higher than Janes mother. 14.Harry raised more cows than Jims ranch. 15.Last year, Jesses garden yielded twice as many tomatoes as Jill. RULE #13:

Do any

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