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register our appreciation for the Cessation of Hostilities and Release of Detainees signed by the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army in Opposition on January 23, 2014 in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia by the support of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the African Union, the United Nations, the Troika, the United States and other friends of South Sudan. We hope that this positive spirit shown by the Two Parties will be sustained throughout the negotiations. We would like to bring six points to your attention for consideration: 1) Inclusion of Women: SSWU calls for the inclusion of women in the Republic of South Sudan peace talks to represent the majority of South Sudan constituents. Women constitute over 65% of South Sudans population and as a result, their opinion at this very delicate time cannot be ignored. Thirteen members of SSWU are ready to travel and participate in the negotiations in Addis-Ababa. Ideally, the team would rotate due to family commitments and various obligations. 2) Youth Representation: SSWU also calls for representation by youth, who represent a large percentage of the population and play a direct role in perpetuation of the conflict and a key role in development of the country. South Sudanese youth are the future of South Sudan. They should have the right to help navigate the negotiations that will determine, in part, the country they will inherit. 3) Diaspora Representation: SSWU calls for the permanent inclusion of three Diaspora representatives for the negotiations. The three Diaspora representatives must be from the main three regions of South Sudan: Greater Bahr el Gazal, Greater Equatoria and Greater Upper Nile. The Diaspora are committed to South Sudan, they influence international engagement and encourage investment, and they, themselves, invest significantly in the country. For example, SSWU in the Diaspora helped raise over $100k for emergency medical supplies for Juba Teaching Hospital immediately after the outbreak of violence in December. 4) Participation of Religious Leaders: The church in South Sudan has been the primary means of support for the people of South Sudan. Its leaders have championed the cause of peace and

have organized the community in the struggle to address significant challenges throughout the country. The inclusion of religious leaders is essential for the development of a sustainable peace. 5) South South Dialogue for Reconciliation, Healing and Peace: SSWU members recently participated in a reconciliation and healing workshop lead by Randy Butler, Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Peace. The workshop provided the necessary platform for women from different tribes to envision a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan; to express their anger, grief, pain and frustration about the violence that has engulfed the country; to confess their role and the role of their tribe in committing violence either directly or indirectly; and to ask for forgiveness. The experience was remarkable and we urge the Mediators to provide this same experience, through the Institute for Sustainable Peace, to the negotiating parties. 6) Humanity Before Politics and Peace Flyers: SSWU would like to provide a large poster of the Humanity Before Politics slogan to sit prominently in the negotiating room and to provide our Peace Flyer, Women are Crying for Peace, Salaam, Shalom, as a gentle reminder to those at the table. We would also be willing to provide Humanity Before Politics t-shirts, mugs or anything else that might be helpful to the process. We greatly appreciate your role in supporting the people and government of the Republic of South Sudan at this very difficult time. We look forward to your positive response. Sincerely yours,

South Sudan Women United Contact Information: Agnes Oswaha

Nyakan Gile

South Sudan Women United Vision: SSWUs vision is a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan where all citizens enjoy freedom, justice, equality and the protection of human rights; where citizenship as South Sudanese is the manifestation of our unity; and where our diverse tribal affiliations are honored as they represent the unique values, culture and traditions that make South Sudan extraordinary. Mission: SSWUs mission is to organize and respond to the needs of South Sudanese, especially those in crisis, through advocacy, fundraising and the delivery of services. SSWU is based in the United States and working to link with South Sudanese women around the world, especially in South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda.

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