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Learning Target
I can analyze character and setting. Essential Question: How can I deconstruct a text to have a better understanding of its meaning and purpose?

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Independent Reading
Purpose: How does your setting affect your characters?

The Glass Castle

Major and minor characters How does setting allow for certain characters to exist How do setting and characters influence one another

Major and Minor Characters

Major character is an individual who has a main influence in the determination of the story or event. Also known as Round Characters. Minor character is an individual who will receive very little "screen time". They won't have their own subplots (at least not a subplot of any great length or significance). Their appearances in the novel will be brief and infrequent. Also known as Flat Characters.

How Setting Influences Characters

Certain settings allow characters to exist
For example: In the desert, youre more likely to see outlaws, cowboys, prostitutes, etc. because its less populated by law enforcement Or, in a fantasy land, youll see witches, dragons, wizards, etc. because that world allows for them to exist

Like the people around you and the home youre in, setting and characters influence one another.
For example: Several negative characters all together will cause the setting to seem more dreary and depressing.

Work Period
Complete the analysis questions about The Glass Castle and its settings and characters.

How does living in a place like Battle Mountain affect Jeannette and her family?

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